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Transformation counseling is about helping others transform their lives. Rather, it is our thoughts and beliefs that govern our experience and our lives, and we are completely and independently responsible for their creation. What we specifically think about and believe in ourselves determines our emotions and our actions in the worlds. It is our actions to make sure we think and believe in ourselves. Moreover, we believe and think that we know who we are, but in reality we really do not. Much of our life is pretending to be hidden from us who we really are. Given that much of our lives are pretending to live by building ego, it is absolutely for change that we will be in who is hidden in our lives is required.
The first element of the transformation process is to exist because of the hidden thoughts and beliefs that have restricted you in life, especially your self-limiting beliefs. In the essence of such beliefs, one discovers the major limitations or barriers of one's life, lives the life he loves, and lives it vigorously. Awareness and identification makes it possible not only to have an almost certain future from the past, but also to not have one's own living. Being in the hidden, what actually defines your existence in life, gives you the opportunity to change your life. Once you understand who you were in your living.
The second element of the transformation process is that individuals potentially begin to create their own lives. Once the identification of self-limiting beliefs is achieved, individuals can now truly create new possibilities for themselves and their lives. This beliefs create spaces and openings for the possibilities and possible of invention, not as a result or result of barriers or restrictions, but from nothing or nothing increase. The possibilities only come from nothing. Like such beliefs, languages have potential.
The third component of the conversion involves learning the registration process. It is a powerful technique that allows you to live within your abilities and out of such beliefs.
The fourth elements of the transformation is to create a daily schedule. Daily plans give you the opportunity to continue your daily life and create life potential.
The fifth element of change includes a commitment to continue the conversation about change. By continuing the conversation, one experience the non linearity of transformation.