2022, Today you could see the highest punishment one can get is Lifetime Imprisonment or a capital punishment of taking his life and I think there are nothing more an Individual can get better than this for today and You might wonder about the punishments the in the history..! Yes, lets get into the blog…
Hello Everyone..! I am shanthosh. I do hope you guys are well and are doing your works well.
The Brazen Bull or Sicilian Bull
This punishment is as exactly as shown in the cover picture above and this Punishment was followed during ancient greek times. In this Full body of an ox is made in bronze and a door to lie inside to the size of human and If a person is in and fire is burnt under the bull and exactly the situation would be like today's Grill Chicken Recipe. LOL..!
Spanish Donkey
This punishment is like sitting on a donkey but the donkey's surface where the person sits is made with sharp object and the mans leg would be tied with weights and the punishment continues until the person's body gets into 2 parts.
Chinese Torture Chair
by seeing the picture above you could visualise the punishment of then but this torture isn't scarier when compared to the next level of this and they did this by burning the fire under the chair to make this punishment more brutal.
Chinese Water Torture
This is simple and water is made fall on one single part of person's body for longer hours which causes death and this punishment was experimented and the the experiment could not take for more than 2 hours and the person withdraw from the contest.
Coffin Torture Punishment
The victim is made to stay in cage like birds and the cage would not be actual size for human but it is so small that it very difficult to enter into it and any person can throw stones and sharp objects into them and lately due injuries the person dies and the cage will be back down only when the remains of the body is skeleton after all the birds eats his flesh.
The Victim was given honey until the reaches the mouth from the stomach and honey would be applied to all his body and would be made to float on small boat and on a small pond to attract honey bees and if he he escaped from any bites, the honey which ate would poisonous the person and the person due to it..!
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