Since early times, body image is perceived as being perfect in all aspects from head to toe. A natural flaw here and there is considered as a huge disgrace to OTHERS who aren't even the perfect selves. As a result, the person bein body shamed is rendered guilty, discouraged. The confidence takes a downturn. They cant see themselves the same as before.
It doesn't matter what shape, size, weight, color, you are.You need nothing to look any different than now. You are imperfect and that is perfect. No amount of makeup, surgery, workout can change what lies within. Be confident in your own original skin, and dont give an ear to what others say.
Love yourself just the way you are, you don't need approval from people.Self love will help in strengthening your willpower. Nobody can stop you just by commenting on your appearance.
The stereotype of looking perfect is affecting millions today, leading one to be discouraged, depressed, embarrassed about their body (body dysmorphia). Many suffer from anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders which in turn cause variety of diseases in body. As easy it is to say, body shaming, fat shaming is way too dangerous. Some weak souls even end up choosing self harm.
Appearance stigma is a consequential matter. The injustice to the victims of body shaming can be served by the aware people in the world. To overcome, we can just appreciate and make all people around us feel loved and valued.
It is true that we cannot change the thinking of the traditional people however hard we try to, but what are capable of is to mould the mindset of the young generation into thinking that every person is beautiful in one way or the the other. We are in no place to judge anyone based on just the outer appearance. You need to know the inner goodness of a person, thats when you know how a person is beautiful in their own way.
Real warrior is the one who fixes their self along with others. We just gotta rise and fix our crowns cause we are queens and kings of all things beautiful. Thinking out of the box and being just to all can make a difference. Being appreciative towards people makes you a better person than what you already are.
If we can make just one person feel confident and acknowledged, we can win over. Cheering and admiring a little wont do any harm. The love given will just grow and spread.