Published Aug 28, 2022
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"Body Shaming" Is Offensive And It Is A Crime.

Published Aug 28, 2022
3 mins read
620 words

We frequently use the expression "we are our own worst critic" to characterise ourselves when we are being overly critical of ourselves. The desire to always be better, quicker, and stronger is a natural propensity for most individuals, but this obsession with improvement, especially when it comes to our physical appearances, can have serious negative effects on our mental health. In the media, obese characters are frequently depicted as the show's running joke, leading to "fat jokes" and a serious case of self-doubt known as body shaming. Body shaming is defined as the act or practise of publicly humiliating another person because of their body type or size. It is a form of bullying that, particularly when it occurs in young children, can cause serious emotional distress. 

Parents, siblings, friends, foes, and classmates all engage in body shaming, which is frequently depicted in the media. "Why is she dressed that way? It is certainly not flattering. Commonly heard statements like "I am so unattractive compared to her I will never find a date" are examples of body shaming. Making disparaging remarks about someone's body size or shape can be immensely harmful to them, possibly resulting in low self-esteem, rage, self-harm, and even mental health illnesses, particularly body dysmorphic disorder.

Body shaming takes various forms:

Judging or comparing your appearance to someone else while doing so.
critiquing someone else's appearance in their presence
insulting someone's attractiveness without their consent.
Whatever its form, this encourages comparison, humiliation, and the belief that people should be primarily assessed on the basis of their outward appearance.

Tragically, men and women of all shapes and sizes engage in body shaming. Body shaming has included remarks about being "too slim" or "too big," frequently focusing on unimportant characteristics. Numerous publications, social media sites, and commercials encourage body shaming in ways that have begun to normalise these harmful actions. The "fat" character is frequently the target of criticism and comedic relief in numerous TV series and films, as well. It's crucial to be aware of the possible repercussions that could result from the increasingly popular habit of celebrity fat shaming on social media.

Why is body shaming a problem?

Growing up in America in front of a mirror might instil traditional ideas of beauty and lead to deeply ingrained self-esteem problems. Although people are more accepting of differences today, young people are more likely to want to appear a certain way due to social media pressure. Young girls may become involved in unhealthy practises in an effort to alter their body type to fit social expectations as a result of derogatory remarks and upsetting images. This could result in cutting, binge- and purge-eating behaviours, or potentially serious eating disorders.

How to get past body shame

Body shaming will always exist, just like with any other form of bullying, until you stand up for yourself in a constructive and healthy way. It's crucial to love yourself and make an effort not to let criticism get to you. Furthermore, you can report it and flag it for improper information if you see body shaming on social media. The National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) has taken action to combat body shaming on social media and invites people to report incidents of body shaming through its Media Watchdog programme. In addition, you can start a petition against body shaming, write a body-affirming post or blog, call out body-snarkers by snapping a screenshot and including @Proud2BmeUS, and interact with other strong, uplifting women. Additionally, ANAD's support groups and our ANAD Week Guide both offer opportunities to connect with a caring, uplifting community. Remember that it serves no purpose in this circumstance to start a negative feedback cycle. Keep your composure and be optimistic.

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