I've had enough.
Enough of binge watching you-tube for hours. Enough of getting too distracted. Enough of being lazy. Enough of procrastinating knowing I have a mountain of backlogs.
Hey there, i am a 12th standard science student and lock-down has really got me. And today is the day of change.
I have already switched off my phone and threw it in drawer a couple of days ago. And trust me that's the best decision I've taken so far. I thought that would be the day of change. But it wasn't.
Today is the D-Day.
These are the things I am going to follow from now on wards:
Someone said that when you're starting something new, you have to find your WHY. And my WHY is getting out of my parents house after 12th standard. I've had enough of staying too long in my hometown. I want to understand people, handle them and master the worldliness.
I always wanted a horse. I am going to get it someday. Its name is going to be Robbin. I painted a horse and put in on my dressing table. Robbin was the reason why I was able to study for 10 to 12 hours on 10th standard. I am going to get the same dedication and ace my 12th standard. I am going to be top student that I am. That is why I am going to paint another beautiful horse and put it on my dressing table. So every-time I get distracted I'll take a look at it and get my focus back.
Everything is not going to be handed over to me on a silver plate. I have always worked hard for myself and I promise myself to always do. I have big dreams and ambitions and I sometimes forget that I have to take action in order to fulfill them. So this blog is a reminder to take action. And reminder of why WHY should study.
Also I will try to update my progress regularly so stay tuned to what this warrior woman has in her mind.