Nutrition is the “Science of Food”. Nutrition Science is the study of all the macro and micro nutrients which make the human body healthier, stronger and superior.
Food is the basic necessity of man. It is a mixture of different nutrients sach as carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are essential for growth, development and maintenance of good health throughout life.
They alao play a vital role in meeting the special needs of pregnant and lactating women and patients recovering from illness.
Food we eat, has various functions:
• Energy yielding
• Body building
• Antioxidants
Foods rich in carbohydrates and fats are called energy yielding foods. They provide energy to sustain the
involuntary processes essential for continuance of life, to carry out various professional, household and
recreational activities and to convert food ingested into usable nutrients in the body. The energy needed is
supplied by the oxidation of foods consumed. Cereals, roots and tubers, dried fruits, oils, butter and ghee
are all good sources of energy. Foods rich in protein are called body building foods. Milk, meat, eggs and
fish are rich in proteins of high quality. Pulses and nuts are good sources of protein but the protein is not of
high quality. These foods help to maintain life and promote growth. They also supply energy. Foods rich in
protein, minerals and vitamins are known as protective and regulatory foods. They are essential for health
and regulate activities such as maintenance of body temperature, muscle contraction, control of water
balance, clotting of blood, removal of waste products from the body and maintaining heartbeat. Milk, egg, liver, fruits and vegetables are protective foods.
Food Group
• Cereals, Grain sand Products :
Rice, Wheat, Ragi, Bajra, Maize, Jowar, Barley, Rice flakes,
Wheat flour.
Main Nutrients:
Energy, protein,
Invisible fat Vitamin B1, Vitamin - B2, Folic
Acid, Iron, Fibre.
• Pulses and Legumes:
Bengal gram, Black gram, Green gram, Red gram, Lentil
(whole as well as dhals) Cow pea, Peas, Rajmah, Soya
beans, Beans.
Main Nutrients:
Energy, Protein,
Invisible fat , Vitamin B1, Vitamin-B2, Folic
Acid, Calcium, Iron, Fibre.
Protein, Fat, VitaminB12, Calcium.
• Milk and Meat Products:
Milk, Curd, Skimmed milk, Cheese
Chicken, Liver, Fish, Egg, Meat.
Main Nutrients:
Protein, Fat, Vitamin B2
Carotenoids, Vitamin-C, Fibre.
• Fruit sand Vegetables:
Fruits :
Mango, Guava, Tomato Ripe,
Papaya, Orange. Sweet Lime, Watermelon.
Vegetables (Green Leafy): Amaranth, Spinach, Drumstick
leaves, Coriander leaves, Mustard leaves, fenugreek leaves.
Other Vegetables :
Carrots, Brinjal, Ladies fingers,
Capsicum, Beans, Onion, Drumstick , Cauliflower.
Main Nutrients:
Invisible Fats, Carotenoids, Vitamin-B2.
Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Fibre.
Carotenoids, Folic Acid, Calcium