housand years ago life came into existence in oceans full of water. One of the factor influencing life is this valuable liquid. For us one drop of water is nothing but for those who have faced the water scarcity one drop of water matters a lot. A human needs water, food and shelter to sustain properly.
However now we are in a alarming situation. Several children men and women lost their life because of water scarcity. Many children have to cover long distances along with their mother to fetch some drinkable water. They travel several kilometres in searching of water.
In India we are witnessing the water scarcity in western side especially in regions of Rajasthan Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. Villagers have to travel long distances to extract some drop of this valuable liquid. Sometimes they drink unfit water. This led to the several waterborne diseases. According to India Water Portal typhoid, viral hepatitis have caused 10738 – this is not a small number. This shows how devastating is the situation. Almost 1.5 million children lost their life because of this.
Who is responsible for this????
Obviously we, are responsible for all this stuff. Human activities have led to global warming and desertification. Our rivers, lakes and ponds are becoming dry. They are losing their waters. Our Earth is losing its beauty. We have make our environment just like a gas chamber of high temperature and poisonous gases.
We are responsible individually also. In our whole day we waste water irresponsibly without thinking about those who lost their lies in lack of water. It is in human. We are directly or indirectly responsible for their deaths. Water is essential for everyone its wastage is a sin. God will never forgive us.
Now what is the solution???
Solution is one only. We all have to work collectively to reduce the temperature of our Earth. We have to reduce the fever of Earth by placing each element of nature at its right place. Collectively we can make our environment a heven for future generations.
In the area of water scarcity we have to force the government to do proper arrangements for them who are suffering from water scarcity. Our several metropolitan cities are becoming dry. We have to implement rainwater harvesting in a houses to tackle this situation. By saving one drop water we are saving ones life. Water matters a lot for everyone.