Welcome back guys! to my another new blog. I hope you all are doing great and having good health. As you have seen today's topic. So let's start….
It seems that life has no meaning. I go to school every single day, and work hard to get into a good high school and get a good job. But in 100 years no one will remember me and the work done by me. Everything seems in vain. What can you do to find the meaning of life?
Let's See a video to see the "Real Life in Hindi….
“After all, man should not ask what is the meaning of his life, but recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, everyone questions life; And he can answer life only by answering his life; For life he can only answer by being responsible.
The meaning of life is an issue that people have always been thinking about. Existentialists believe that we must create a meaning for life itself, and that you are what you do and what you do not. The "eternal questions" of life, death and love are constantly present in art, music and literature.
The meaning of life is a question that will always be asked but everyone has different answers. Sometimes life may seem meaningless but in the end you will find many factors that make you feel that life is good and fun!!!
One does not have the correct and logical definition of this life, for some, life generally means happiness, having a loving family and living a better life. For some, life is related to earning more money, while many life revolves around love, feelings, etc. There is always health, well-being, and perhaps in some cases, longevity associated with accomplishing what can be achieved.
What should I do in life?
Always respect yourself more than respecting anyone else.
People who love you should always feel loved and at ease.
You should accept your responsibilities proudly and not out of compulsion.
Money comes from luck but you must earn respect from people you know.
You should enjoy the basic gifts of life like sex, sleep, parenthood, food, travel, nature, weather. This way you will be able to enjoy life more.
Don't always ignore your own desires, because you have been given the gift of life, you should be a little selfish.
A successful but stressful life is not lived well.
You may fail every time, but your life is very valuable because you never stop trying and experience new things during the journey.
No one should walk helplessly through your door in genuine need.
When you're on your deathbed you shouldn't have regrets (that let you down), you should be free to leave.
As you age, you must learn to give in to things and accept simplicity so that you can even hold your hand before you embrace death and give up everything.
A fearless life where you stand by your morals and remain unaffected by dangers and situations is definitely worth it.