See the thing is being an entrepreneur is not everyone and the same thing applies on job sector. Its all about individual choices. Some people don't want to take risks and stress and want get paid fixed amount end of the month. It also includes PTO like things. But one thing about job is , peoples growth is very small and you hard for some other person . Their is no freedom of time and also can't say that you are financially free and please don't say that getting paid end of last month is financial freedom. Financial freedom is a different thing. No job in this world provides financial freedom to any individual . So lets talk about separately about both.
Employment includes salary , fixed work time, getting holidays every week and month. But I hate when people say I am succeded because I have that job where i work for another in a office corner. Getting a office corner and work for another person for 30-40 years without getting much growth and financial and time freedom is not success . success includes time freedom which means you can work anytime from anywhere and get even if you don't work.
I rate entrepreneurs higher than job workers. we work for ourselves . we don't get paid by others . We build our empire and hire people to work for us and people get paid house . Yes at starting point we have to work hard but its better to work hard 2-3 years and build a business than working 30-40 years in a office corner for someone else.
I saw people how foolishly they describe job as ultimate success whether they themselves had no security about their wealth status . I need people to understand first look at your own bank balance and then give advice to other people . Don't give financial advice when you are in debt and cant pay your bills . Its okay you love job but never give advice to entrepreneurs because at the end of the day they have cars that more expensive than your lifetime income and they earn even when they sleep . Not like you.
If you really want to start your own business . I will tell nothing will stop for doing that. There were lots of opportunities in the market which does not need any kind of investment like network marketing, affiliate marketing, freelancing , product reselling etc. like so many opportunities .
If you still want to learn about entrepreneurship there so many free courses on you tube and also my blogs are related to these topic. you can go through my previous blogs and can follow me for my upcoming blogs where I share my experiences regarding these topic