As we all know that space is really vast and most widespread area. But can we really sure only one universe exists? Let's talk about this, as in my opinion there is also a world exist which we don't know about it(it's just a theory don't know it's true or not) as you would search on google this place is commonly known as multiverse (the place where many universe exists). As we don't know much about multiverse let's talk about universe. Universe is the place where millions evenly billions of planets, stars and galaxies present in the form of celestial bodies, universe is the place where you see the exact reality between space and time. According to Big Bang theory that says “around 13 billion years ago there was combination of set splitted into 4 different types Matter, Energy, Space and Time".
As we all know about matter it has its own 3 states(or even existed in three forms) solid, liquid and gas, these are all states of matter. Energy is most uncreated thing we all know, according to law of conservation of energy ”energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but can be changed into one form into another". Let's talk about space, space is the place where billions of planets, stars and galaxies present it was also known as cosmo observatory. And as we all know about time, it was unstoppable, we can't see the time but we feel it's flow.
In the universe there are also several things present such as black holes( the black holes were created when the star reaches it's ending limit) no one knows what is inside the black hole, "guess a time lapse or whatever" also there was an area known as nothing but wide commonly called bootes void, this bootes void has a radius around 165 light years, and it's distance to earth is 700 light years(a light year is the distance that light should take 1 complete year to travel across such a distance) thus this bootes void contains nothing i.e. no celestial bodies. There are several other lives on the universe which we all know nothing about it. There is a mysterious planet in the universe in we we live known as earth, earth is the planet where the life is present it is commonly called as blue planet due to highly presence of water, the earth contains several oceans, rivers, deserts, forests, seas, deltas and much more. There were more than 8.7 million species present on earth specialized into 3 categories animals, reptiles and amphibians. The study of earth is commonly known as geology the word ‘geo’ means earth observation. There are also several other planets like earth such as Kepler-20e Proxima-b etc. There is a lot more to be discovered about earth. Usually earth has a unique distance over sun, that makes earth explore 4 seasons these 4 seasons are summer, winter, spring and autumn. Let me know in comment section what should you think about this blog hit in the comments