Today , we all want to be healthy and fit . Having an attractive body which should attract everyone. A fit , a slim body we desire . For that kind of body follow these steps carefully :
1 EXERCISE : As doctor says that , you should exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. We should exercise regularly . If you are trying to loose or tone your body than you should exercise more than 30 minutes a day.
2 MAKE IT HABIT : Don't give up , should do at least 30days to get the result . When you regularly do it for a month , You will see it has became your habit. Then you don't need to force your body to do exercise.
3 GO OUT : I'll recommend you to do exercise in the park or in garden . If you are unable to go there regularly . You should go out at least twice a week .
4 BE SOCIALLY ACTIVE : When you do exercise in open air . Then you will find a buddy . Whom with you will do exercises and talk to him/her . And you will notice that it is impacting a positive affect on your life.
5 TRY DIFFERENT EXERCISES : While doing the exercise on the daily bases you will find that your body has become comfortable with that . So , to leave that comfort zone try different types of exercises like yoga , swimming , cardio , etc
Eating right food also plays the same value role building a beautiful and fit body.
6 COOK : You should try to cook your own food . If your mom cooks the food than you can rest. But leave eating restaurant meals . Because what type of raw material they use ?, you don't know . For your best fit body leave restaurant food
7 NUTRITION : You should eat more fresh veges and eat more salad . Eat less spicy food , decorate your plate with colorful edibles like salad , carrot , raddish , letucce , etc . Eat lean meat , fish which can help you to grow right muscles .
8 CHECK LABELS : When buy packed food from markets , you should check their nutrition level and consume as your body needs . Like you are obese you should eat less calories . If you are slim take good amount of calories . Check your bmi and take all the things according to your bmi .
You can make a chart for food according to bmi. And take food according to your chart .
This is the part 1 and part 2 is coming tomorrow .
Thanks for reading
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