This is one of the most toughest and confusing thoughts that goes through everyone's mind that what we really want to do or become in life. The day we are born everyone starts talking about what they want their child to become or how they hope him or her to be really successful. I mean Hello! Excuse me for a moment i just took birth let me breathe first. No doubt that it is extremely important to find the purpose in life. Everyone always thinks of something he or she wishes to pursue in life . Some people decide quickly and are clear in head about their choices while there are some others which cover the most of the population who do not understand what to do and that is totally okay. Yes it is totally okay to not know about it. One should always be busy with some activities rather than wasting time thinking about it . This is most common mistake we commit we always waste our precious and valuable time thinking what to do rather than actually executing something. We start our lives with family around us , it matters a lot what kind of environment we are in while growing up as it affects our mind the most then comes the school where we start learning . While growing up you should never be detached towards your parents and infact discus everything with them. In the whole process we start realizing which is our favorite subject, favorite teacher, what color we like, what sport we enjoy. You can always select a subject in higher classes which you really enjoy studying and understand then comes college. You can always select college based on your stream and if you think you need to explore more of your personality you can always focus on your hobbies and skill development with side by side pursuing correspondence or diploma. If you wish to earn money you can always go for part time or full time jobs but never compromise with knowledge. But try never wasting you time by just idly sitting at home and watching television or gossiping. You should always stick up to reading and writing even if its a paragraph or daily diary. You can always focus on meeting new people and thinking of new ideas, be alert about your fitness, travel a lot while you are growing up as it would be one of best experience of your life and will give you the best lessons. Never be afraid of your parents or society when it comes to pursue your dreams. Most important thing in life is to be happy.