Published Aug 23, 2021
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491 words
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Life Hacks

Take Life Easy To Be Happy Part -2

Published Aug 23, 2021
2 mins read
491 words

Hello my bear readers …Hope you all are fine and healthy. 

So here we go with an another blog.

--One of the most obvious and significant attributes of human is the ability to communicate through verbal speech .

BEING POSITIVE makes sure to better the taste of your words before spitting them out. Recognising the situation before giving any answer and speaking out positively helps to give more clearity to your thoughts and intentions.

The goal must be to find best way to convey, that has positive impact on the listener. 

--The best way to get moving is by feeling positive about the journey you are going to begin. Always analyse before you move . You will never achieve what you are capable of if you are too attached to things you are supposed to move from. Never let your past decide your future.

Be positive while you move on because nothing in life is as painful as staying stuck where you don't belong.

--An investment in the future is the most strategic decision we often take during  our work tenures . Doing necessary research, study and analysis to make yourself feel positive before you finally invest is the key towards its success.

 Positivity creates environment of awareness and reliability which in turn results to positive acceptance of the plans by your partners or team members.

--The  weight you have placed upon your shoulder is going to crush you. You don't need to be  anything or anyone other then who you are. You are more then good enough.

Who you are is ?? --Beautiful.

Who you are is ??--Loved.

Who you are is ??--Special in more ways  then one . 

So place the heavy burden on the ground. Throw it into the sea. Expel it from your being . You will be lighter in mind ,body,and soul . Live in that freedom of the true you.

--Be positive and confident while you speak with other, as it reflects assurance of your action that is followed once you are done with explanation .The  positive word you speak not only influence others but also motivate colleagues to perform even better.

Try to learn handling your words and action positively so that you don't have to regret in near future. Positive outlook always yields better and more refined results.

--Pain is like tenant in our body. It may last a minute,an hour,a day ,or an year ,but eventually it will go and something else will take its place. If we are not positive while we leave something,  the pain will last forever.

Once you decide to quit, remember something better will follow . Failure or leaving does not mean you are finished, it's just an invitation of something even better.

So be happy and  be healthy by having healthy food and always look forward in your life ,never let your self down in any type of situation.

Hope you guys like this bolg. Take care.

aravind.mohandas 8/23/21, 6:14 AM
Well written ✨

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