Published Aug 29, 2021
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Know The Right Time Of Having Tea, Coffee,apple And Milk...

Published Aug 29, 2021
2 mins read
495 words

 Hey guys how are you all?? ..Hope you are in good health. Here I go with my next bolg ..hope u all like it .

So what can be the right time to drink tea, coffee and milk or eat apples. Can we eat apple in the morning or evening? Often people's opinion is divided on this. Apart from this , should one drink tea or coffee on an empty stomach? These are all such questions in which everyone remains confused. Nutritionist Namami Agarwal has publicly removed all these confusion on Instagram. According to her, tea or coffee should be the first thing that goes into the stomach after waking up in the morning. If you are also in this confusion ,what is the right time to take tea , coffee,apple,or milk , then here we are telling you these tips of Namami Agarwal.

Best time for tea and coffee 

Tea and coffee are such beverages without which many people can not  think about there work in the day , but if it is not taken at the right time then they  have a bad effect on our body. This can also disturb the sleep pattern. Therefore, while taking all these things, follow the right time so that they can get maximum benifits.The dosage of tea and coffee in the morning keeps our mood right. Since it contains caffeine,it keeps us mentally and physically fresh. However, do not make tea and coffee the first thing in the morning for your stomach.

Best time for having milk 

Milk is better at bedtime. Milk contain Tryptophan.  Our body use Tryptophan to make melatonin and serotonin . Melatonin helps in maintaining sleep-wake and serotonin helps in maintaining sleep ,mood and pain. Also the live ,use Tryptophan to   produce niacin (vitamin B3) whic is necessary for energy metabolism and DNA production. It also contains amino acid which improve the quality of body fluid. That is drinking a glass of milk at night will help you sleep well. Also at night time our body is in resting position so the energy of the milk will be utilised only by the internal organs and not by other activities of body.

The right time to eat the apple 

 We all know that an apple a day keeps docter away. But the proper time of eating apple  should also be known to us to have proper benifits of it. It is better to eat apple in the morning as it contains a sufficient amount of fiber, which helps in smooth functioning of normal activities in the stomach. Also apples are good for our heart and  they lower the risk of diabetes. So one should have apple in the morning as it gives sufficient amount of energy to your body to do work properly .

Milk and apple both are very important things to make the body healthy. Therefore ,both of these should be consumed at right time so that the body cab get maximum benifits

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