Many people ask me is it really possible for someone to be so fearful and scared of a thing or a situation, that they can harm and destroy their own life.
Phobias are very real and effects lot of people. But we need to understand that Phobia is very different from the fear a normal person experiences.Phobia
Phobia is irrational fear.It is form of Anxiety disorder,defined by persistent and extreme fear of an object or situation. Those experiencing phobia will avoid the situation or the perticular object. They go great lengths to avoid it and if they can't they experience extreme anxiety and stress. Phobia is rapid on set of fear and has to be present for atleast 6 months to classify as Phobias.
Phobias effect not only our emotional and mental state of mind but also causes sever disruption to our daily routine also.
Following are few symptoms which can help you identify if your fear is irrational and you need to be careful.
1.Not being able to function normally if exposed to the trigger.
2.Feeling of fear can not be controlled.
3.Feeling that source of fear must be avoided at any cost.
4. Acknowledgment that the fear is irrational, exaggerated and unreasonable.
5. Uncontrollable distress and anxiety when exposed to the source of the fear.
6. Physical symptoms of accelerated heartbeat, numbness, trembling, abnormal breathing, chills or hot flushes and choking sensation.
Phobias can effect daily life and functioning,it also effects the relationships and interaction you causes pervasive worry which leads to anxiety and stress.phobia can lead to isolation and can leave you feeling helpless.
Phobias can be divided into four main categories:
Fear of Natural Environment
Fear Related to Medical Treatment
Fear Related to Animals
Fear of Specific situation and Innate Objects.
Well let's try and understand what Phobia does to your personal relationship. It can lead to over dependency. It causes severe disagreement and emotional invalidation.It can lead to trust issues and abandonment issues.It can hamper intimacy and ability to emotionally connect.
Almost all Phobias can be successfully treated and cured. This can be done through exposure therapy where you are gradually exposed to the trigger and are taught coping. Apart from this psychotherapy and counselling can help you overcome Phobia and build new coping mechanisms. Sometimes overcoming past traumas also helps overcoming Phobias. Practicing gratitude and mindfulness also helps overcome phobias. Regular excercise and meditation helps in overcoming Phobias. Appreciate small victories and your courage to face the group Counselling and support groups also help in positive manner to overcome Phobia.
You do not have to suffer in silence and hope after reading this you will be able to reachout for help. Always remember you are not alone all you need to do is reachout.
Hardest part in overcoming Phobia is to get started once you do rhat you can surprise yourself.