brain fog is a term used to describe our mental confusion, difficulty in thinking, lack of clarity, disorientation, confusion and difficulty in concentration and focus.
Its feeling of being cloudy- headed.
There are different reasons to experience brain fog but mainly it is attributed to overworking, lack of sleep, extreme stress, too many things going on, tiredness and exertion. In some cases it can also be indicator for underlying medical condition or brain damage.
Brain fog effects your mood, energy and focus. It can also lead to hormonals imbalance, mood swing, obesity, abnormal menstruation etc.
People experiencing brain fog can be also dealing with conditions such as Alzheimer's, memory loss or Parkinson's, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Autism spectrum disorder, food allergies, fibromyalgia and Anxiety.
At times in brain fog everyday activities and routine may also feel difficult and require additional effort and motivation. At times your thoughts, emotions and feelings may feel numb.
example of brain fog would be like : forgetting about things that had to be done. taking more time to do routine or simple tasks, feeling tired and distracted. need to ask and confirm things again and again.
Important signs of brain fog would be: feeling confused, thinking slowly and need more time to grasp or understand things, being easily distracted, difficulty in organizing thoughts, loosing chain of thoughts while talking, difficulty in finding correct words, feeling lost, feeling irritated and feeling of helplessness.
Physical symptoms make include feeling dizzy, episodes of blackout and headaches this can be due to fatigue, tiredness, lack of sleep, malnutrition and dehydration.
Brain fog can also be caused due to vitamin B-12 deficiency, medication , medical condition, hormonal changes and high level of inflammation.
best way to treat brain fog is to make lifestyle changes and develop healthy habits and routine. proper good quality of sleep can help our mind relax and recover. get regular exercise to boost our brain functions and keep our overall health in good condition. well balanced healthy diet helps in nourishing body and mind.
Avoid tobacco, alcohol, late nights too much time on internet, computer or mobile. Avoid information overload take breaks in between and practices breathing exercise or relaxation technique.
Develop a hobby or do things you enjoy. try positive affirmations to help you relax and destress. Try new things to keep your mind alert and engaged. stay socially active. avoid multitasking as it can be more tiring and exhaustive. practices regular meditation and brain exercises.
Though brain fog is not a medical condition it is an indicator a red flag you should not ignore.