Published Apr 26, 2021
2 mins read
498 words
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Academics and Education

One Words Substitution For Competitive Exams Part 1.

Published Apr 26, 2021
2 mins read
498 words
  • Anorexia---- fear of getting fat/fear of being overweight.
  • Autophobia-------fear of solitude.
  • Acrophobia------- fear of high places.
  • Aerophobia------fear of air.
  • Altiphobia------ fear of altitude.
  • Aglophobia------fear of pain.
  • Agorophobia------fear of public/ open place.
  • Androphobia------fear of males.
  • Biblophobia------ fear of books.
  • Bathophobia------fear of depths.
  • Cacophobia--------fear of ugliness.
  • Catrophobia------fear of doctors.
  • Cellophobia------extreme fear about beauty.
  • Chronophobia------fear of time.
  • Cynophobia-------fear of dogs.
  • Claustrophobia-----fear of being confined to small place.
  • Dipsophobia------fear of thirst.
  • Dipsomania-------morbid compulsion to drink.
  • Demonomania-------delusion of being under evil spirits.
  • Entomophobia----- fear of insects.
  • Ergophobia------ fear of work.
  • Gamophobia------ fear of marriage.
  • Genophobia------- fear of birth.
  • Geraphobia-------fear of old age.
  • Gnosiophobia------fear of knowledge.
  • Graphophobia------fear of writing.
  • Gynaephobia------ fear of women.
  • Haemetophobia------ fear of blood.
  • Hedonophobia--------fear of pleasure.
  • Hodophobia-----fear of travel.
  • Hydrophobia-----fear of water.
  • Kleptophobia-----fear of stealing.
  • Kleptomania------A compulsive desire to steal.
  • Lipophobia------fear of getting fat.
  • Logophobia------- fear of study.
  • Logomania------- mania for talking.
  • Maieusiophobia-----fear of childbirth.
  • Metrophobia-----fear of motherhood.
  • Menemophobia-----fear of old memories.
  • Monophobia----- fear of loneliness.
  • Mysophobia-------fear of filth/contamination.
  • Magalomania------delusion about one's greatness.
  • Nyctophobia-----fear of darkness.
  • Ophthalmophobia------ fear of eyes.
  • Ochlophobia------ fear of crowds/mob.
  • Paedophobia------ fear of children.
  • Pathophobia----  fear of disease/sickness.
  • Peniophobia------- fear of poverty/money problem.
  • Pharmacophobia------ fear of medicine.
  • Phasmophobia------- fear of ghosts.
  • Xenophobia------ fear of foreigners.
  • Pyrophobia----- fear of fire.
  • Thanatophobia-------fear of death.
  • Scelerophobia------ fear of burglars.
  • Theophobia------- fear of God.
  • Toxicophobia------ fear of poison.
  • Triskaidekaphobia------ fear of number thirteen.
  • Theomania------ A delusion that one is God.
  • Learn all this phobia..... ... Would not come out of these......
  • Thank you so much for visit this..... Plz like and comment and share it...
  • Agnostic---- One who is not sure about God's existence.
  • Altruist----- A lover of mankind.
  • Amateur ----- One who does a thing  for pleasure and not as a profession.
  • Ambidextrous ----- One who can use either hand with ease.
  • Anarchist ----- One who is out to destroy all governments,  peace and order.
  • Apostate ---- A person who has changed his faith.
  • Arbitrator ----- A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute.
  • Ascetic------ One who leads an austere a life.
  • Atheist ----- A person who does not believe in God.
  • Bankrupt ----- One who is unable to pay his debts.
  • Bigot ----- One who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religios matters.
  • Bohemian ----- An unconventional style of living.
  • Cacographist ---- One who is bad in spellings.
  • Cannibal ----- One who feeds on human flesh.
  • Chauvinist -----  A person who is blindly devoted to an idea.
  • Connoisseur-------A critical judge of any art and craft.
  • Contemporaries-------Persons living at the same time.
  • Convalescent------one who is recovering health after illness.
  • Coquette------A girl or women who flirts with man.
  • Cosmopolitan-----A person who regards the whole worlds as his country.
  • Cynosure------ One who is a centre of action.
  • Cynic------One who sneers at the beliefs of others.
  • Debonair----- polished and light hearted person.
  • Demagogue---------A leader who sways his followers by his oratory.
  • Dilettante----------A dabbler (not serious) in art,  science and literature.

Previous year's vocabs. Please like and subscribe this channel. 

Pradeep singh

Thank you. 

##competitive exams
sidra 4/26/21, 4:18 AM
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