Published Aug 15, 2021
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1906 words
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Life Hacks
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Ethical Quotes Inspired By Nitishatakam

Published Aug 15, 2021
10 mins read
1906 words

Heyy Guys....

Happy Independence Day my dear reader.....

My today's blog is about the Ancient Teaching from Bhartrihari's "Nitishatakam "....

This is basically collection of verses divided into 10 parts and total there are110 verses......

When I read make me stunned....that even today it is so relatable......

So I tried to take essence of it and turn it into a style of quotes.......

Chapter 1. Quality Of Insane

-Ego , jealousy and ignorance ruined your self talk.....

- you can easily satisfy who is  ignorant and more easiest to satisfy the intelligent one but you can not satisfy the person who is egoist with a little knowledge

-  Good words and advises are waste for unenthical people 

- When I said that I have little knowledge and ego perish

- there is medicine available for everything ( exception - insane people )

Chapter 2. Quality Of Wise

  • - wise are always worthy of everything
  • -wisdom/ knowledge / skill is something that will never ever perish instead is grows more when impart it...
  • No one can take away your skill from you
  • Wisely selected words are your best cosmetic
  • Knowledge is the supreme power and highest treasure
  • If you can forgive , there is no need of shield
  • If you have anger , you need no enemy
  • If you have friends you need no medicine
  • If you are in contact with toxic people , there is no need of snakes
  • Good friend will always lead you towards the best

Chapter 3 :- Dignity And Chivalry

  • Great people never change there ideals in any condition or at any cost
  • In troubles people choose the way according to their capacity among so many solutions.
  • Those are truth alive who make there family leneage upgrade by there good deeds
  • People having self esteem have to behavioral states. 1. They live among the crowd. 2. They live in isolation
  • There are so many planets like Jupiter in solar system but the Rahu ( who had only head ) only affects the Sun and Moon... { Means those who have real spark and true light , have to suffer because they have that strength }
  • Great people hold infinite good characteristics
  • Sometimes I'll behavior and insult can ignite your inner fire
  • Age is not the limit to adventure , even Cubs can attack on elephants....

Chapter 4 :- Money And Wealth

  • If you have so many good qualities and talented but not's all waste. ( It doesn't mean that you can gain money or wealth in inappreciate way )
  • Those who have money and wealth , they are respectable , knowledgeable , good speaker , scientist and artist too..... ( Social ritual )
  • Wrong advise to King , attachment to the sage , extra pampering to Young's , lack of study to teachers, characterless child to the family , evil connection to good character , distance to love , lack of trust to friendship , neglection to the farm , wine to shame, unethicality to the wealth harm drastically.
  • Money has no value itself . It's depend on the use of money - where are you spending it ? Either consume it for your own growth and upliftment or donate it in humanitarian work.
  • If you loose your wealth and  everything in donation, still your wealthy . ( Now here , wealth might be your talent , skills , hard work , money or time )
  • Value of the product is depend on the may differ......the pinch salt and grains full of hand for poor or the whole Earth to the emperor
  • Oh Almighty King ! If you want the tax and wealth , then first learn to take care of your countrymen.
  • Politics can be good or bad , kind or cruel , selfless or selfish .
  • The emperor must know how to give orders , how to protect teachers and fame , where to donate , how to consume and enjoy life and how to protect friends
  • Go in any corner of the earth , what is in your yours no one can take it away from you. 

Chapter 5 :- Benevolence or Philanthropy

  • Treees bent because of the flowers weight , clouds bow down because of the new water , good people became humble because of the abandance , this same tendancy is found in the benevolent people.
  • Ears look beautiful because of the knowledge ( whatever the knowledge gained by listening ) , Hands can be elaborated with the act of helping and Kind people look more attractive by the Benevolence.
  • Universe feed us without any request or demand she provide water , air , light , energy and sky , in same way great people show Benevolence without any reason
  • Great human beings sacrifice their self benefits for the others , those who work for self and protect their self benefits and try to help others they are common people .

         Those who harm others for their             own benefit are the devils..... But those are hurt and harm others without any reason , I don't know what should I call such people

  • Those who protect you from sins , make the way for welfare , keeps your secrets , draw your good qualities out and enhance them , help you in the trouble and never leaves you alone are the signs of good people.
  • True friendship will stand for you in any way , it nourishs you , selflessly helps you , protect you from the problems.
  • Ocean hold the life within , how great it might be the huge , abundant , patience he carried away.
  • Those who could live for others , only they are alive.
  • Those when never keep expectations , forgive easily  , humble by nature , speaks truth only , having love for purity , follow the path of ascended masters , serves the Gurus , Respect the worthy people , turn enemies into friends ( possible only in scene of Raj and Sat Gunas ) , protect their Self esteem , Shows the compassion towards the people who are in pain are the qualities of Great and we'll manners people.
  • Those are pure by mind ,soul and body , their presence and kindness brings happiness in all three worlds , having ability to respect and motivate for the goodness in others , where are such pure and content hearted Great masters ?

Chapter 6:- Patience 

  • Army of God didn't stop by the poison , they didn't settled for the treasure and achieve the ultimate nector , this is how the consistent people never stop until they get their goal . ( Context :- legend of the Amritmanthan ).
  • Low category of people never starts their job in the fear of obstacles , mediocre stops by the obstacles , But the legends face thousands of obstacles still never stops.
  • Great masters and legends never get hurt by the poor situation or never get overwhelmed by the optimistic situation......they never get affect the sadness and happiness they remain the same in the both scenario.
  • Those who knows the ethics , never get affected by the praise or gossip ,wealth and death.....and never quit from their goal.
  • Those who are away from the lust , anger and greed have ability to win the whole world.
  • Fire goes always upward , if you turn it down still it will go upward , in the same way you can't move someone by insulting words.
  • If my body is crushed , burned or killed, it's fine ......but if the character is stained this will not be acceptable.
  • Those masters get mastery over their senses and those who have developed their character are the legends . For such legends fire is like a cold water , ocean became like a canon , Everest is like stone and lion are like  deer, serpent is like Garland and poison is like nector.
  • Cutted trees can also grow , half Moon also expands, this thinking helps the great people to grow and make them happy and help to move forward even in the darkest phase of their life.
  • The sign of wealth is  affability , sign of adventure is the control over speech , sign of control over senses is knowledge , sign of forgiveness is found in the humbleness , use in proper way is sign of wealth , asceticism is the sign of Patience.....such great character is the ornament for humanity.

Chapter 7 :- Destiny 

  • Even the greatest warriors have to face the defeat. It's better to surrender to destiny.
  • Be patient, because destiny is playing her role in the background.
  • Those who surrender their efforts and hard work in hands of destiny , destiny helps them to ascend their journey.
  • Unlucky people wherever they goes , problem follows them with the full pledge commitment. { Who are the unlucky people actually ?🧐🤔 The answer is those who have fixed the belief in their mind that they are unlucky .)
  • Destiny play supreme role. Sometimes you give your 100% but you defeat by someone.
  • Moon is King of all medicine , Still it's shape is not constant.....this is how cruel destiny works, who can goes against the destiny.
  • Nothing is constant and permanent , we can't say what's destiny going to show us in the next moment.
  • There is the quality of destiny . It tests your courage , loyalty , dedication , trust , authenticity , patience.
  • Blessings are coming from the clouds and it rains equally upon everyone , but because of destiny some people can see the blessings and some not.

Chapter 8. Karma 

  • Even the creator of the cosmos is bound with law of karma , can't interrupt in the process of justice. So I will bow down my head I front of the law of Karma.
  • The law of karma is applicable to the divine also. So I praise the power of karma.
  • One should be seek the knowledge and the wisdom , rather than seeking worldly matter.
  • Good Karmas bring abundance , prosperity and happiness. Bad Karmas take it all away from you.
  • Any thought should filter before you transform it into action . Actions which are exicuted in hurry, can burn you until the death.
  • Those who never follow the path of asceticism while being on Earth , can't understand the difference between sandal wood and normal wood , they burned it all.
  • Your Good karma's have the potential to change your life for the betterment.
  • Only the Law of Karma brings miracle , it can make impossible things possible.
  • No matter how big challenges you face , but your good karma protect and gives the victory in every battle.

Chapter 9. Bravery 

  • Developed intelligence of the genuine people is limitless and that's why great too.
  • The Sun can cover the whole world with it's Sunrays , in the same manner , valour fighters can won the whole world.
  • Following the great thoughts can lead you towards the great and gallant actions.
  • Those who can live in self - contentment , no one can make them sad.
  • Those who are greedy for materialistic things , no one can satisfy them.
  • Humble , pure-hearted , follower the path of truth, self- esteemed people can sacrifice their life but never break their promises.
  • It's better to be with the animals in the forest but it's not okay to deal with the fools in the palace of king .
  • Legends never break their commitment towards the work they are promised . Just like Sun never stops to walk around the earth and Turtle never stops to carring the burden of the earth. (Note :- both examples are mythological . It is believed in hindu philosophy that Earth is carried by the jiant turtle . )

If you guys like the part II , kindly check the part I……

If you have any suggestions and related knowledge or opinion please share with us…….

Thank you so much for reading this blog-post…….

Happy Reading to all my lovely readers……💗

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sheetal.thakur 8/15/21, 4:25 PM
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Nice one. Value adding. Read my blogs too
teena.aliyas 8/15/21, 6:50 PM
Very interesting 🙌
aravind.mohandas 8/16/21, 1:58 AM
Well written.. keep up the good work
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newly_risen_sun 8/25/21, 8:20 AM
Thought provoking 🙌
divi.r 2/23/24, 4:24 AM
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