The word Music represent many forms for many! We can say Music heals everything which is proven in many ways, Yes true!!! Music heals pain in our heart, Listening for 10min of your fav hitlist will make you you stay in peace which clears your mind which puts you in peace. Mankind have different abilities, different taste in everything so do different style of listening to music!! POP SENTI HAPPY CALM ENERGETIC etc etc…….. music can literally change the style of human living… I will be sharing my Personal experience about music… How did I overcome my fear problems by listening to music everything in this platform!!!!!
Some take “ MUSIC ” as Content, Some take “ MUSIC ” as Medicine, Some take “ MUSIC “ as Life!!! But I tell you ” MUSIC “ is ” PEACE "!! It's peace where there will be no rivalry, fights, second thoughts, enemies, like literally nothing.. Music is happiness music enrich our soul… While listening to music we imagine us in the state we didn't reach yet….
Music is LOVE !!! yeah it can heal from heartbreaks too…. Music is MOTIVATION / INSPIRATION where you feel you do exist in the world for you, just for you… Getting inspired for doing just what you like against everything in the world needs courage.. so Music lends you COURAGE…
When you are sad you listen to them, when you are happy you listen to them when you are confused you Listen to them when you are motivated you listen to them!!! Yeah right we all listen to them when we need to speak with inside us… We all don't know what our inside us exactly needs.. okay not all some like me really don't know what we need exactly, I still don't know what I need in my life, what should I do in my life.. But exactly when I'm listening to my list of music I literally feel the enrichment inside me saying do what you love just follow your heart besides everything against everyone.. There I get a bunch of motivation to do what I love!!! So here I'm !! Right music says that I have a passion to write, express what I feel for my existence here!!
I know I'm on my trial period, but I will be getting what I really need… I'll keep on doing what music wants me to do…