Ralph waldo emerson once said ‘’what lies behind us are tiny matter compared to what lies within us'' this is help you take action.For better life maximize your ability.
The first step is self image. The second step is relationship with other . The third step is attitude , The fourth step is goals. The fifth step is desire The sixth step is is work.
There is gold mine within you . there is kind ,smart,talented and successful person hiding inside yourself. as soon as you take a positive self image your confidence improve and you perform better. the same is true with the way you see other people. if you try to see you the good thing in a person . you treat him or her better , even if you don't get along well with person do your best to see their positive side will see that slowly the situation gets better.
At this point you have good self image and you enjoy a good relationship with others , you work hard and keep yourself busy. but what for ? goal is very important . without them you will be lost. you will be working without direction minute, hours,days and night go by . the caterpillars kept on making their circule , after seven days and night the caterpillars drooped dead . they died of hunger and exhaustion.
It you don't have a goal you are like a football player wandering around the field . but it you have a goal all your actions are directed to it . everythings that you do is full of purpose and meaning . goals requirs you to make the most out of every minute . it unleashes your will power.
Good income fulfilling career loving family , good health ,happiness and respect of other people . all of this is your if you have right attitude. in all situation your choice react positively and negatively , it is own choice . attitude is a little things that makes big different .
The medical student is aim for good grades but the excellent student aims of knowlage.
You start your journey with positive image . you being to see the good people as well. whatever you to do aim is high performance . do not put your limit on what you do. desire is so powerfull that it can transcend physical barriers.
you learned six steps to top . anyone can reach the top . what you need to do is follow this steps.
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