Digital Minimalism is a philosophy for the technology use that is rooted in your deepest values. It is characterized by less time spent on devices, and a low tolerance for digital distractions.
Every app on a digital minimalist phone is used to enhance one of their core values. For example, a kindle reading app enhances their core value of learning, a note-taking app enhances their core value of creating by improving their ability to capture ideas and write impromptu essays and a single messaging app like Whatsapp replaces all other messaging and social media apps, because that digital minimalist deems Whatsapp to be the best app for sharing photos and staying connected with family abroad.
If we use food as an analogy using only the technology that enhances values is like only eating whole foods rich in nutrients and avoiding all junk food. A digital minimalist makes a concerted effort to ensure that they are not consuming junk in their digital diet,like social media, apps, mindless games and other apps primarily used to alleviate boredom. So what are your deepest values and is every app on your phone and every website shortcut in your browser enhance those values.
If you don't filter your technology use through your values, you will clutter your life with distracting technology and destroy your ability to concentrate. When your life is cluttered with digital devices part of your mind is constantly wondering, what's happening on those devices. What new shows are recommended on Netflix, What's happening on my social media feed? What's the price of my stocks today and what new messages do I have in my inbox. if you do find some mental bandwidth to focus on your work? Eventually, the dings rings and pings from your devices will fracture your attention and make it harder to concentrate.
No matter what field you work in your ability, to concentrate is a superpower. Loosing that ability major league pitcher in baseball losing his ability to throw a fastball without concentration, you can't perform your best and you can't produce work that moves the needle and changes the trajectory of your career.
Therefore it's imperative for you to reduce your attachment to devices and declutter your digital life, so you can recover and sustain your ability. To concentrate start this process by taking the following three-week device detachment challenge week, where you stay away from your phone or other media devices for an hour a day or a whole day or the whole three week. Which means no text, no phone calls, no news and no podcasts.
During your hour of solitude, go for a long walk or bike ride alone or practice a hobby without your phone, computer or TV nearby. Think of your hour of solitude as time in which you store up your productive power, just like a dam can generate hydro-power by interrupting the flow of water in a river.
You can produce productive power and strengthen your ability to concentrate by interrupting social input and being alone with your thoughts. If you doubt the productive power of being alone, with your thoughts go in your office right now shut the door turn your phone off and do nothing but sit there and think or do a task you've been avoiding for weeks after a few minutes of device deprivation and solitude you will probably start generating ideas and actually want to get to work on that dreaded task to get started with your week.
Do activities that produce things in the physical world like cooking or gardening, and two structured social activities like playing board games with family or having coffee with a friend. Which you can do instead of consuming content or playing games on your devices, odds are you'll find that these replacement activities are far more restorative and enjoyable than your old digital downtime activities.
After taking the three-week device detachment challenge, you will start to feel in control of your devices. Instead of feeling, like your devices, have control over you. The challenge will give you the mental space to assess which technology enhances your deepest values and which is merely a means to escape boredom.
With this fresh perspective on your technology use, you can start decluttering your digital life and strengthen your ability to concentrate, so you can do more deep, meaningful work.
This is the summary of book “Digital Minimalism” by Carl Newport. The book is essential and must read in this digital distraction era.