Different Ways To Go Green!
Going green and saving money doesn't usually appear together, yet going green doesn't mean you need spend lots of cash or it is an expensive affair. They may not be free of cost but can be of minimal expense and also you can do the bare minimum around your home which can have greener impact on the environment.
An ever increasing number of families today are discovering approaches to “become environmentally viable”. These actions can be as expensive as solar panels and simple basic changes that any one of us can do. It will help in a greener environment and also help in reversing the climate change. The following are some simple ways to go green.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle
The saying for the greener environment can be so simple as well as significant. You can expand the lifetime of products by reusing them. Reuse aluminum foil and plastic bags for storing food. Empty plastic boxes and glass bottles can be utilized to store food grains or leftovers. You can also get creative by converting scrap into art and craft projects.
- Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater barrels can be bought to ensure a greener home. Such a barrel can be store or even custom made. It is best if it is positioned under rain spout and the collected water can be used for watering plants or to wash your vehicles. Rooftop rainwater harvesting can also be practiced which is very popular in India. All this will ensure you have a lower water bill.
- Compost and organic manure
Fertilizing the soil using the food compost is another way to reuse, reduce and recycle. Proper food composting can help in reducing the waste and healthier, pesticide-free produce. This is best for gardens at home and rooftop gardens.
- Energy efficient
You can do some simple changes in your life easily and decrease your energy consumption. Change your light bulbs to LED and wash clothes in cold water. Turn your lights off and fan off when they are not in use. Try using natural light whenever possible. Defrost you fridge and freezer before ice build up. And switch on the appliances that you use and not the rest.
Making effort towards a greener environment is simpler tan ever before. Assume responsibility of your actions on the climate change and also environmental impact. Also make everyday decisions that are environment friendly and also at the same time, it can also be pocket friendly.