Every time we gave up on our work, our parents tried to motivate us. They used to say, “Dear, just complete your school then you can live your life freely or just complete your college then no one is going to tell you what to do or, take a nice job and marry a nice person etc.” And at the end of our lives, we may realize that all those words were just little candies.
I am not blaming our parents. They are just doing what they feel is right for us. We realize the fact much later, that there is no rest after completing something. There is always something "next" waiting for us. It's never ending.
We need to understand that life is full of struggles and we can't run away from it. If you choose a risk free job instead of a risky business, you still have to struggle. Struggle is a part of your life just like your specs. You need to wear specs even if you don't like to. No matter what, you have to struggle in your life, even if you like it or not. Struggle is not phase, it's life time cycle. No matter how rich you are, if you are a human you are supposed to struggle. And I know no one likes struggle. But believe me, struggle is one of the most valuable life value. Struggle is a value just like honesty, truth, respect(like life values) etc.
You can't run away from the struggle. You are always choosing between ‘A’ and ‘B’ but both are struggles. You always try to live happy life so why can't you choose “happy struggle”?
You are not choosing struggle but you are choosing between options of struggle. If you are hungry then you will eat either ‘A’ or ‘B' but you will eat something, actually you need to eat because of your hunger. It's just like that, hunger is like a life, if you are hungry you need to eat. If you are living your life then you need to struggle.
From the childhood, we always have been taught by parents that struggle is not good but we never asked "why?". We always fall in love with the result of something. But have you ever fall in love with the phase of the work, with the time period of work? Be the true lover of that particular time of struggle and then you will be your expected result. We always heard from everyone that, “love your work.” but they never told us 'how?'. It clearly means “Love your struggle." Struggle is like a raw food, you can choose what to make from it, a tasty dish or a terrible one.