Published Apr 25, 2021
3 mins read
572 words
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Fun Facts

Twenty One Amazing Science Facts !!!😯😯😯

Published Apr 25, 2021
3 mins read
572 words

1.Bigger black holes are created when black holes and galaxies collide.

2.The ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras taught the number 12 had divine, mystical meanings.

3.Most comets can't be visible without the aid of a telescope but some like Halley's comet can.

4.Ever wondered how the pull of gravity is calculated between heavenly bodies? It's simple. Just multiply their masses together, and then divide the total by the square of the distance between them.

5.Abdul Kassem Ismael, Grand Vizier of Persia in the tenth century, carried his library with him wherever he went. The 117,000 volumes were carried by 400 camels trained to walk in alphabetical order.

6.Long-period comets originate in the Oort cloud. Oort cloud is basically a hypothetical spherical cloud of comets which lies approximately one light year from the Sun.

7.An elephant's brain weighs about five times more than a human brain but it's body weighs 100 times more than ours.

8.The Earth circles around the Sun at about 107,000 kilometres per hour. Our Solar System is rotating around the Milky Way galaxy at about 700,000 kilometres per hour. The galaxy is also travelling at huge speed away from every other galaxy as the universe continues to expand, although with vastly differing relative speeds depending on the distances of the galaxies from us. To give some indication, scientists have calculated that our galaxy is travelling at about 2.2 million kilometres per hour relative to the cosmic background radiation which pervades the universe.

9.Manic depression affects 1.2 percent of Americans aged 18 or older annually, or 2.2 million individuals. Approximately equal numbers of men and women suffer from the condition.

10 .A full grown bear can run as fast as a horse.

11.If our Sun were just inch in diameter, the nearest star would be 445 miles away.

12.The planet Earth is located about 150,000,000 kilometers away from the sun, but the distance is not constant.

13.The first successful planetary space probe was the USA's Mariner 2, which flew past Venus in 1962.

14.F:Most people take an average of seven minutes to fall asleep.

15.The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph by Fred Rompelberg.

16.Honeybees have remained unchanged in form or structure for 20 million years.

17.Amongst the many words that Shakespeare invented are assassination, bump, lonely, bloodstained, leapfrog and mountaineer.

18.Duplication in the human genome is more extensive then it is in other primates. About 5% of the human genome consists of copies longer than 1,000 bases.

18.The largest Volcano in the solar system is on Mars Olympus Moons, 600 km wide and 24,000 m high, is nearly three times higher than Mt. Everest.

19.The number of nucleons is equal to protons + neutrons (4 for alpha)

20.An adult Mayfly's life is as short as a few minutes, but its body hatches for about a year.

21.The engineering division of British Rail applied for and received a patent for a flying saucer in 1972. It would be capable of transporting 22 passengers. However, the nuclear fusion technology used to power it does not exist, and it appears that by 1976 they lost faith in the practicability of the saucer, and allowed the patent to lapse.

#science facts#historyofscieNce
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