We all believe in some of the superstitions which were created by our great grand parents and Grand parents. Actually they have created those superstitions for fulfilling some of their purpose.
A superstition is a belief in supernatural forces like Fate, Unpredictable facts etc.Lets see some of the superstitions with a scientific reasons
1)Don't sweep after sunset:
Our parents or grand parents says that don't sweep after sunset,If we sweep means the goddess Lakshmi will walk out.
But what the science is saying we all know that there is no electricity in that era(Great grand parents era)So there's no light in homes,If we throw any important items like gold,silver and some other receipts on floor then we are unable to find them in night time so these things will also be thrown along with the dust.This is what the actual reason for Don't sweep after sunset.
2) Pregnant women should not go out at the time of eclipse :
We all know that pregnant women are not allowed to do any of the work at the time of eclipse like they should not cut the vegetables,they should not go out and they should stay indoor because of the new born baby should not born with any deformities.
But what the science is saying-One should avoid going out on eclipse because of it releases Ultra violet rays.To protect from these rays pregnant women must be indoor.
3)No Hair cut on Tuesday:
We all face this situation at our home.Our parents says that we should not trim or shave on Tuesday where it brings us a bad luck
But what science is saying,In past days our farmers continuously worked for a week and they took rest on Monday.So all the people were used to clean their homes and Cut their hair on that day so on Tuesday there are no much deals to barber Shop.So he would close his shop on that day.Now we all forgotten the truth and we blindly following it as a superstition.
4)Restrictions for a women when she is on period:
Women have some restrictions when she is on period like she should not touch anything for 5 days,she have to maintain a separate plate to have her lunch and breakfast and she have to maintain separate place to sit or sleep.This was created because of
Women feels discomfort and stress on her period.she is not able to do any work on her period so For taking a rest on her period they were created such a type of rule.
5)Should not go under or sleep under peepal tree at night:
As we all are aware that our gran parents says not to go near peepal tree at night because of ghost will be there and they will kill you
But what science says,Trees will release carbon dioxide instead of oxygen in nights why because of there will be no sunlight.A human being needs oxygen In this case he feels discomfort over there.
6)Elders rotate crystal Salt around head(Dristi):
Our grand parents take some crystal Salt and they used to rotate it around the head.By this they will think that an evil eye on the person will ruin away.
But what science is saying,We all know that Salt is an antibiotic.It will kill all the bacteria when they rotate around the head and it also forms a layer of antibiotics so this would make a person to feels better.
By believing this type of superstitions we all having a negative impact on our lives and some of them blindly sacrificing their lives, Education is only the way to wipe out this type of superstitions.Please educate the people who are around you.Explain them in a very clear manner what's going to be happen in the next step if we follow this type of blind superstitions.Please protect animals too where we are killing the animals infront of goddess.Animals don't know anything they can't express too.So please educate the society regarding this type of things.