According to some experts, talking to plants helps them to grow bigger and better. Many people fervently believe in this and practice singing or saying nice words to their plants. Then the plant grows vigorous and beautiful, by the effects of those positive words and good vibes.
The Japanese physician and researcher Masaru Emoto suggested in his book “ The Messages of water ” that our thoughts and words fully impact and transform water molecules. He said everything in our environment has energy or vibe that can be positive or negative. kind words have a positive effect on the world whereas negative words have the power to destroy the whole world.
If we speak with love to water and plants can generate positive changes in both, imagine what we can do with people around us. Our words are not carried away by the wind; rather, they leave a mark in the hearts of those who hear them. Therefore choose well what you are going to say.
This same thing happens when you have children. When you talk to them with certain phrases or words that you use often, you are not only labelling a child but you are determining their action too. The trace of what is heard is never erased. Always try to make your words constructive and uplifting.
We as a parent, bless our children, it is about binding with words the good wishes that parents have for their children, and ensuring the divine protection. When words of love and affection are spoken to a child, they swiftly take a root in his/her soul and accompany them. If we parents knew the weight of our words, we would take care of the things we say to our children more often.
Sometimes we are not aware of the enormous power that the words we say to others and ourselves. Our words or dialogues help us to connect with others, and the words we choose and how we address the other person, the success of our communication depends.
The word creates and designates everything that surrounds us. That is why it is extremely important to think before we speak because when we say something hurtful to anyone it will be very difficult to go back even if we ask for forgiveness.
Choosing to speak beautifully is that, a choice and it should be a Habit. Many times certain phrases or words from our childhood or culture have been embedded in our minds, but it's never too late to change what hurts.
We can all contribute a grain of sand in this chaotic world, and we can start from right now. Go ahead, guys!!