Our 20's are something people always hype about. All of us wants very different things in our life, I agree, but we all have a pretty common agenda about how to spent those days. There is something special about the '20s, we get this rush to live, laugh and enjoy. Suddenly, we are opened to infinite choices of careers, relationships, lifestyle, and whatnot. And there is this spontaneity and impulse that makes us do everything we get our hands on. This restlessness is exactly what makes it special.
I was so excited to know what life is gonna bring me tomorrow. Always eager to know what next. I don't know if y'all can relate but u get this anxiety about little things that we do because we don't have any idea if it's right or not. Elders often say these are the times where you shape ur future, maybe that's why we get this rush.
A major drawback for youngsters in their 20's is the pressure of future and success stories that family and friends put on us. Even before we figure out our passion, likes, and dislikes, we are literally burdened with their passions. Which eventually results in anxiety and instability. We are constantly battling between what we need to be and what they want us to be.
But guys! Relax! none of this actually matters. we can't get satisfied until we are happy with what we do and where we are. Advice matters, yes but nothing should cost our peace of mind. We are in a world where everyone is running behind success, you and me. But let's give it a thought, isn't it the feeling of satisfaction called success? And true satisfaction comes from impressing yourself and not others. Don't you agree that a peaceful life is a successful life? You are definitely gonna make tons of mistakes while you get your life together but just understand that mistakes are normal as long as you learn from it.
With the little experience I have, I would say that live happily for yourself. Because whatever we do, others will always have a comment on that. As long as you live your life on your own decisions without harming others, you are doing the right thing. And and, don't rush it guys things will fall in place eventually when it's time. Your perfect job, perfect relationship (ps: there is nothing called perfect, its idea varies from person to person), and everything you need will be there soon..Trust your guts and move forward! You are the Architect of your life.