Well, are you interested to know about pink dolphins so let's dive in.
Pink dolphins actually exist they are found in the rivers of Amazon and Orinoco river basin which is in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia etc.
But according to WWF (WORLD WILDLIFE FUND ) there are only an estimated 2000 pink dolphins are left in pearl river delta.
They mostly eat fishes but they also eat turtles, crabs, shellfish, etc.
While to attract other dolphins, the males would carry branches and other items in their mouth to suggest the females that they would like to mate.
These are things that only pink dolphins usually eat other dolphins can eat different things like -
Spinner dolphin eat fish, jellyfish and krill.
Dusky Dolphins eat Shrimp, squid, and various fishes like tiny anchovies.
The Amazon pink dolphins has the largest bodies and brains of any freshwater dolphin.
Pink dolphins come in top 5 largest and smartest freshwater species of dolphins.
A fully grown Pink Dolphin can grow upto 9 feet (2.7 metres ) long.
A pink Dolphin weighs upto 400 pounds or (181 Kilogram).
A pink Dolphin can live upto 30 years
The Amazon Pink river dolphin are very great and wonderful gymnasts. Pink river dolphins are super fast and agile, as they are vertebrate so the vertebrae in their necks are unfused, unlike other dolphins which makes a huge difference between pink dolphins and other dolphins.
The ability to turn their heads to 90 degree allows them to maneuver around tree trunks, rocks and other obstacles.
They have a unique dolphin smile. Most unique thing is their pink colour which is belived due to scare tissue from rough games or fighting conquests.
Well they are known to be shy creatures, they are drawn to humans, playing with kids without having agressive behaviour is their great hobby which is appreciated by many people and that's why most of the people like dolphins. Most of the time Dolphins are not harmful to humans but teasing them and hitting them or doing any wrong behaviour with them may make them angry. Male dolphins can do some serious injury while feeling in danger they may attack humans.
Dolphins are very beautiful creatures and very friendly but always remember what something looks is not what actually it is.