Hie guys, how are u all doing? I know it's been a long time since my last blog, I was in my low phase since past months. Now I'm doing great and all ready to give you incredible info as much as possible. Really excited to start writing againπ
So, today let's talk about self care and it's importance in our lives.
To be frank, I was a tom-boy kinda girl until yesterday. I never took care of myself in particular. Neither I bothered about my hair nor about my skin. Everything was like a lucky-go-operation. I took my mental care for sure but never felt the necessity of physical care.
But once I realised the importance of this, I'm addicted and in more love with myself man. Physical care is the love language and respect you show towards your body.
You should also realise that mental care is inexpensive but physical care is expensive in some terms. There are tons of products in the market that promotes self nourishment.
First of all you need to figure out what kind or nature of skin and hair you have. Once you figure that out, it will be easy for you to pick the right product for your flawless body.
I'm a dove body person, everything ie., body wash, shampoo and conditioner belongs to dove family. I'm obsessed with their products as well as reasonable rated for a beginner like me. Nivea also has great products for Indian skin textures. Once you start caring for ur body, you will feel the heaven and get addicted to it.
Dove has products for every body type and I belong to green Team. I got to know about these things via YouTube styling gurus as usual. They are of great help, so go and check on them.
Remember that cosmetic world is full of knowledge and full of logics, trying there best for diverse variety of bodies in India. Once you step into this world, you will just drown into it's beauty. Make sure to select natural products to avoid unnecessary reactions.
I assure to share you all my progress of my self care journey π
Thank you guys for staying till end, I promise to be consistent this time and I'm sure and confident this time to write one blog per day. I would like to thank my friends who guided me to trust body care as important as mental care. Have a great day and awesome week guys ππ