Hello, welcome to a new blog of mine I hope you all have a grand Diwali celebration anyway coming back to today’s blog I will share a fictional story so let’s start oh sorry I have to tell you something this article includes some violence.
First of all, meet the leading man of our story Lakshit who is a physical challenge boy from an upper-middle-class family who Graduate and works in a small organization with a very minimal salary but he is very happy that he has a job everything was going fine Lakshit was working in his office and something happens with his health after which he has to take a long leave and this was the time when he was at sky high at his career but one day a kind of disease that destroys the world thousands of people the whole world got disturb hundreds of people lost their lives. Many people lost their lives and a large number lost their jobs even Lakshit was one of them the company called all the employees except him he called his boss “Mam what is wrong? Why are you not calling me? His boss was not giving a proper answer to him as the days were passing his getting tension was increasing
This was a time when a kind of drought developed in his mind “he asked himself whether I have lost his job. He talked to his family members,
They all to said to him “ Dude you are just you are overreacting it’s a crisis all over the world we are sure that they will call you as the situation will under control after listening to these motivational words he console himself “Dude” you have nothing wrong in your entire journey so why will they fired to you than he decided to call Ankit who was a colleague in his office and also a dear friend of him Lakshit told everything to him so his friend suggested to him “you should talk to Mahesh Badoni who is the Managing Director of the organization like every other senior employee of the company Mr. Badoni also not give a proper answer to him. The question is arise here is what Lakshit will do and whether he will do it now and whether he will find a new job. Or Mr. Badoni will rehire him for all these answers please wait for Part 2