India dental health and problems are neglected , people are least bother about oral hygiene and care , but do you know 80% of the normal health condition is based on your dental health ??
People only visit the dentist when there is a huge pain in the teeth , or else any fractures , but dental health care should be strated in the individual from the childhood it self , it will develop the good habits towards the oral hygiene and helps in good oral condition development.
If the tooth ache is neglected several serious systemic disease ( health problems) may lead like formation of pus in the sinus , heart disease, swelling of jaw , blockage of fluid to the brain , all this may occur for a simple neglected tooth ache .
Tooth is the only part inman body which can not be rebuilt and constructed , with implementing the same quality and strength which original tooth have . Taking care of your teeth will save you a lot of health and money in future.
A tooth contain enamel,, dentine , pulp the outer most layer of the tooth is enamel which is the strongest among all and hardest , it is the protective layer of the tooth it will wear off eventually when continues force of pressure is applied which will lead to invading of bacteria and spread inside .
Smoking , drinking tea or coffee regularly may stain your teeth , which appears brownish or yellowish in colour , this condition can be easily treated with scaling (scrapping) of the stained part , scaling is a healthy and good procedure which should be done atleast once in a every 6 months.
Self cleaning of teeth is a bit big process which may include , brushing twice a day , flossing and using mouth wash . Which is a time consuming process but doing all this in a regular basis you can improve your oral health.
Taking your child to the dentist place in early age when they start chewing things is an ideal period to visit a dentist , it. Will help in the condition of the teething period and creat a friendly way with the dentist , to avoid future problems related to the teeth , it's a good way to start a dental program in your calendar.
All the direct cause and problems related to the dental I'll write in my next blog , hope you will follow and get to know a bit about dental health.
#dentalhealth #awarness #precaustion