We always hear some INTELLIGENT people rising questions over religious stories like Ramayan mahabharat etc. Ok I am mentioning only Hindu books because I have knowledge about these only it doesn't mean that I am religious biased or creating any hatred for any other respectful religion..people unknowingly questioned such religious stories to get famous or to get attention or for their political benefits In media in their talks etc and hurts feelings of people in india as religion is very sensitive topic here nowadays. But today I am trying to answer those stupid questions raised by those so called intellect people. Recently I heard someone asking about why we preach lord ram as “ मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम” as he ask his wife to give agnee pariksha and questioned her to prove her loyality. Ok let me tell you that this is written in Ramayan that lord ram has given sita's responsibility to agnee dev lord of fire to make her safe and took her hologram from agnee dev for the people as he knows what is coming in his way but he can't show this to Humans around him as he has to create an example for humans that a common human has the power of truth to fight anything. And when he won the war with ravan than he was surrounded by humans and it will continue till he reaches ayodhya afterwards so he has to take back his wife from agnee dev So for Humans he created that illusion of agnee pariksha to get her wife back from the protection of agnee dev. See when today someone got best writer awards and get appreciation for writing have you ever think that these religious books are written by some great intellects and they deserve appreciation too as they have written everything so beautifully and explained everything in great manner that these books actually give you great learning fort life whether it's Ramayan or mahabharat and i think other religious books are too have the same quality.writers of these books tells you everything and with that they also explained it according to every generation next time if you read these books think about it you will definitely feel this. How they connects link to humans and how they tell you that ram, krishna are god but follow human behavior in such a manner that it's not so difficult to behave and live life like that. This is just a smallest example and explanation of these books and stories there are so so many teachings that has no end if you understand it with focus and trust or faith. Which is very important
Thank you I hope I haven't hurt anyone's religious feelings with this with due respect