Published May 23, 2023
2 mins read
467 words
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Feminism At Its Finest! (For Guys)

Published May 23, 2023
2 mins read
467 words

I would like to talk about feminism!..
These days the word has lost all its meaning. Feminism actually means being able to be independent without anybody sideby screaming what to do and what not to do in our ears. It has everything to do with being able to make our own decisions regarding eberything we own..i.e our body, our career, or our life perse.! It is really important for one to respect the decisions and believe it to be right ,standing by us.
But certain women these days are outing themsleves against men and calling it feminism. It is not a competition ladies. What 's wrong is wrong no matter what the gender is. Nobody is appreciating mistakes. We are not anti-menists. We support women who actually are in need of it, and not people who just wnat revenge. Nobody is even trying to teach lessons to the "anti-feminism" comitee becoz they have to learn it on their own, But we tend to pave our paths to freedom and independence despite all the stereotypes and patriarchy. 
It is not about them,it is about us and our needs and the GOOD THINGS that are restricted from us based on our gender. Feminism doesn't mean attention seeking, it doesn't mean showing skin, it doesn't mean villanising men! It just states that not everything we do has something to do with the society. We dress in a way for ourselves ,we eat a certain food for our own wishes, we  sit is a certain posture for our won comfort, we work a jov to fulfill our own dreams. And above all , us women cannot and should not  call out feminism for the lack of the ability to act right or accept a mistake.! 

Also guys! Grow up and let you women shine. Dont let your male ego shade what you already know. 

When we say men and women are equal, we dont mean men and women are same..we dont mean we wanna 200 ponds and beat up a guy just like that! We dont mean that. When we say equality, we mean cerebral equality! If a guy can get married, have kids and be a can a women!
Why does all your religious and cultural believes directly or indirectly revolve around a women and her decisions. Why ?! Why does it always have to the wink of a women  that turns around your family's reputition?!
You all have a mother afterall! Have you ever considered asking your mom what all sacrifises she made for you..what all emotions she has hidden behind. Yeah, ofcourse i believe men go through an awful lot, but you are living you best life at the end, think about how many women are able to accomplish that!
Act wise dear future generation!


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