Published Jun 19, 2023
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Essential Of Calcium Rich Foods

Published Jun 19, 2023
3 mins read
570 words


The amount of calcium in your body is enormous. Your bones and teeth are where almost all of this mineral is kept. Your blood and soft tissues contain the remaining 1%.

Calcium-rich meals are essential for developing and maintaining strong bones. It's also a crucial ingredient for maintaining normal cell activity. Your body needs calcium to maintain healthy blood pressure and hormone levels, support muscle and nerve function, and promote cell-to-cell communication.

🧡The Need for Calcium

Almost every action in the body need calcium. Calcium cannot be produced by the body. Both diet and supplements must include calcium for your body to absorb it properly. Additionally, calcium can be found in several drugs, including antacids. The recommended calcium intake per day is:

  • 1-3 years old: 700 mg
  • 4 to 8-year-old: 1,000 mg
  • Children aged 9 to 18: 1,300 mg
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers: 1,300 mg
  • Adult males aged 19 to 70: 1,000 mg 
  • Adult girls aged 19 to 50 should take 1,000 mg
  • Males and females over the age of 51 and 71: 1,200 mg

🧡Bone Health

Your bones are constantly being rebuilt and broken down. Before the age of 30, you create bone more quickly than it gets broken down. After age 30, the rates are the opposite. 

When there is an imbalance between bone formation and bone breakdown, osteoporosis develops. You should work to create the strongest, densest bones possible before the age of 30 in order to reduce your risk of having osteoporosis.

🧡Blood Pressure Management

Calcium is necessary to maintain appropriate blood pressure since it aids in the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels. According to recent studies, calcium must come from food sources rather than supplements in order to provide this advantage.

🧡Calcium-Rich Foods

Although there are many supplements available, experts advise getting at least half of your calcium from food rather than pills. 

The following eight foods are among the greatest calcium sources on the market:

1.Dairy Products

Calcium is abundant in dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese, and these foods also often absorb calcium the best. Fortified diets and foods made of plants do not absorb calcium as well.


Soybeans that have been dry-roasted are a good calcium source. They are a fantastic calcium source for vegans because a half-cup has 119 mg of calcium in it.

3.Leafy, Dark Green Vegetables 

Calcium-rich foods include cooked kale, spinach, and collard greens. The biggest amount is seen in collard greens, which have 164 mg of calcium per half cup.

4.Foods Fortified with Calcium

Cereals and orange juice are frequently supplemented with calcium. Some fortified juices contain calcium, citrate, malate, a well-absorbed form of the mineral. Additionally, there are fortified cereals that offer up to 100

5.Salmon in a can

Salmon in cans, aside from dairy products, is one of the best food sources of calcium. 181 mg are present in just 3 ounces of canned salmon. Salmon also includes vitamin D, which facilitates calcium absorption by the body.


You can get 68 mg of calcium for your body by eating five dried or fresh figs. Oranges and papayas are two additional fruits that are high in calcium.

7.Wheat tortillas

Good news for those who enjoy carbohydrates: a 10-inch flour tortilla contains 90 mg of calcium.

8.Baked beans in a can

The amount of calcium in four ounces of canned baked beans is 126 mg. additionally, beans have a lot of fiber.

Calcium-Rich Foods
Dairy Products
Leafy, Dark Green Vegetables
Foods Fortified with Calcium
Salmon in a can
Wheat tortillas
Baked beans in a can
lonley 6/21/23, 12:17 PM

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