A big THANKYOU Mom to give me this precious life.
Today I gave birth to my child and I now feels that , what was the pain you suffered at your time to give me this precious life. THANKYOU MOM for letting me watch this entire beautiful and wonderful world.
THANKYOU MOM for holding my hands at the time when I need you the most and helped me taking my smaller steps towards further life.
THANKYOU MOM for guiding me in my studies and projects even if you don't know to read and write. You woke up with me during my Exam Preparations and boosted and cheered me to get the best what I deserved.
THANKYOU MOM for helping me and supporting me through the First Period of my Life . You lovingly taught me what does it mean and How Important is that for every Women's Life. It went so tough and worst experience for me but you were the one who made me feel comfortable even in that situation.
THANKYOU MOM for teaching me the Values of life and the Goals of life. Your teachings were the only thing that helped me a lot and today I am at at the successful position.
THANKYOU MOM for finding my soulmate and letting me live my entire life with him forever and helped me to take my move to new phase of my life.
I promise you that where ever I will be I will always make you proud of me and everyone will proudly day to you that I am your daughter.
There are no any single word to define your Strength Wisdom Love Care Nourishment and What not .
No matter how many times we argue , how many times I don't understand you or how many time's I got scolded by you ,
I still think that - You are the best and will always be the greatest gift of my life
This is the way, I want to present my Gratitude towards my mom . I Love You Mom.
Be always there with me and keep mentoring me in the rest of my life .
Dear GIRLS ,
You Mom has given each and every moment of her life to you . Its your and our responsibility to make her every single moment happy and proud.
Send this to your MOM of your life and make her feel special without any Mothers Day , because she had never watched or waited for any special day to show her love and care for you .
So Why We Would Wait For Special Days And Dates ?