Menstruation… a process by which the whole world has been created, and is happening.
But in today's society it is considered impure at many places. During menstruation, in many places women are not allowed to participate in worship, are not allowed to go to the kitchen, and in many places they are not allowed to touch any object during the menstrual cycle, water touched by them Considered impure, they have to sleep in a separate room, no matter how cold or hot.
Before talking about the women of today, let us know where all these things come from.I want to do look back thousand years ago , what kind of sanitary facilities does she have , what kind of process does she have , there could be issue about that . Is not it ?
Is only for that reason they said above all you need to understand the level of physical activity for a normal women in those days , cooking for 20- 30 people , taking care of cows , taking care of the children everything is hers , it the reminders amount the physical activity.
So the women who is going through the sudden process of her cycle she gets 3 days 4 days breaks from everything , is in there a wonderful thing?
Because that's a time where it is almost like a moulting period fir a women on one level, it's not as big as moulting but it is almost like that .
That's a time where she needs speak care for protected taken care of , somebody else cooks for her which never happen in her life .
Everyday she cooks, 3-4 days somebody cooks for her , somebody else servers food , she sits alone by herself , she merited , she sings , she does prayer , isn't this a good way doing things?
Do not consider this a today's life look back a thousand years ago when this things for made , it was a very good way to protecting our women .
Over period of time somebody makes this a discriminatory process . Women should not come here , not come there that is just out of ignorance sudden things happen . It is nothing to do with spiritual world , because if my mother didn't have menstrual cycle have wouldn't be born . We are born from that , that is impure , our vary birth is impure and the creation is impure . It's a ridiculous thought even to think like that . It is not because of purity and impurity this is come . It is come from practical reason .
Even today we meet thousand of women who suffer alot that time because they still have to go to work , they still have to deal with everything . They would definitely enjoy the rest . They would definitely enjoy a little bit of seclusion from every thing that they are doing but thinking it is pure impure question coming in very rudimentary mind , it is no sense no fundamental sense about life.
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