Published Jun 28, 2021
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Netflix's Ray Movie Review. Was It Worth To Watch Pr Not ?

Published Jun 28, 2021
3 mins read
535 words

Well, I've just finished watching "Ray" and here I'm sharing my experience (believe me I'm not gonna spoil you). First thing, please don't compare these Short films with original text/stories of Ray, these are just adaptations,directors took "plot" from stories and implies to current scenarios, they've not done any inspirationals flims from "storylines" first clear concept of "plot" and "storyline" , "adaptation" and "inspiration" , so please don't compare this to those line by line.Next thing there's no way anyone can possibly replicate Ray's stirring or satires, so criticize it or praise it, do it by it's own merit. Builded around ego, vanity, revenge , this drama parapsychological thriller anthology combination of (বিপিন চৌধুরীর স্মৃতিভ্রম)'not forgot me' , 'বহুরুপী' ...these two taken over by Srijit Mukherjee and Abhishek Chaubey adapts 'বারিন ভৌমিকের ব্যারাম' last one 'spotlight' adapted by Vasan Bala. which I personally liked most. "Spotlight" started with a qoute of Ray "there is always some room for improvisation" and truly what an improvisation that was,not only improvisation I must say a great tribute too (I've also expect that from other directors too) which completely fulfill the purpose of "Ray".It stuffed with lots of minor detailing and references everywhere,Harshvardhan Waring "bhuterraja" shirt, there's was "bhuterraja" pad too, Scorsese t-shirt too, while he was hallucinating that lady (himself actually) taught all of Ray's films names out there, simultaneously vasan Bala keeps his signature touch on it, he puts "vabes Joshi"'s reference too , also there signature effortless comedic moments and color screen with night and lights.Not only in "spotlight" others have minor detailings too, like Bajpyee and Gajraj stands opposites to each but mirror reflection they shares same page , and in "not forget me" scene of "Drishiyam" movie that reflects actual reality is something else. Also production is one of the most noticable thing, everything arround characters seems so royal , give a international vibe...also they give full liberty to directors I guess, they all sticks with their respective strengths, Srijit working with desaturated gloomy tone while Abhishek plays with colors. Indian film makers also adding color gradings , it's so good to see, they doing all their own way with full of productions supports. One more thing by acting Ali Faizal was the best this series in "not forgot me" by Srijit And here's some bad aspects The whole "Bahurupi" (expect acting) I've read that story and I feel like loootss of things are missing , Srijit rushed to much , and Skips lots of drama , on the other hand he puts few unnecessary scenes to develop that character in dark way but it backfires ... Also that tone, I don't really know what kind of kolkata he wants show , so vibrating colors , puts lots blue in name of gloom that's all , a complete disappoinment. And lockdown the biggest issue, you can clearly see impact of lockdown in this , limitations all over, yet they able to pull off such really good series of films definitely worth to watch Maestro's short stories in from of his own tribute . #Raynetflix @Vasan Bala  @sirjit mukherji @abhishek chaubey Netflix Ray Netflix

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padfoot 6/28/21, 7:59 PM
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