It's been a year since we met and it didn't work out between us
But it was all worthwhile
You made me mad you made me cry
You made me laugh you made me smile
You made me a better version of ME
It was the last day of the Year
I was at the New Year's eve Party
We were all saying our goodbyes to the old
Waiting to welcome in the new
I was there to forget my past
And start anew
The sky was lit that night
The fireworks did better than the music at the party
The light and sound harmony in the sky was somehow calming to me
And then it happened
We finally met at 12 midnight
No one knew you nor did I
But we all welcomed you
As you walked towards me and our eyes met, I knew deep inside this is going to be different
I could see hope in you
And for the 1st time I accepted someone so quickly
Maybe the past still haunted me
You came closer and I just gazed into your eyes
I became a little girl hoping you were going to change my life
The 1st two months ran in full speed
We met everyday and got to know each other a little more
We enjoyed each other's company and I was finally beginning to be happy again
But like all good things this phase too came to an end
I know relationships have to be worked on
But you kept on giving me little shockers which led to a bigger one
You were different and we couldn't be on the same team
We started to fight a lot
I got cut off from my friends and family
They always warn me, but this time even they did not expect it
It was mental
Not knowing where this is going to lead to
Will it end or just sink me in
I was scared
I was heartbroken
The sparkle in my eyes left
The voice from my heart was dying
I could not see a way out
I struggled and I had only you
You were not ready to end it
But you put me through hell
I just wondered what did I do to deserve this
I couldn't break free
As days passed I began to accept my present
I tried to deal with everything one at a time
You were different but not that bad
I came to terms that you were here to stay
I slowly started picking up the pieces
To just live each day
You stood by me and didn't let go
Slowly I began to like you again
We stayed together and supported one another
You showed potential
You made me stronger
I met a better version of me because of you
It was crazy
The time that we were together
It was one rollercoaster ride
And yes it did come to a halt
As we got comfortable, like we used to be
it was time for you to leave
I was a little sad but ready to move on
All temporary things come to teach you and make you better
I learnt a lot and persevered through
It was sad to see you go but it had to come to an end
As I write this today
Oh my Dear 2020,
You loved me deeply,
you did exceed my expectations and you were the best that happened to me
I met a new ME
I can now face any adversity that comes my way
You taught me how important family is
You taught me to appreciate the small things in life
You taught me to be humble kind and considerate
You taught me to LOVE without reason
You taught me to accept change
I finally moved on and sometimes do miss you
I'm grateful for the experience you gave me
Thank You for leaving so I took start anew.
I'm now with 2021 and I'm not all hyped up
Just taking it one day at a time . .