Credit Cards provide you with hell lot of advantages but it's a physiological game that tricks :- “You to believe that you have money when you don't ”.
You may hear from your parents that the advantages provided by credit card are negligible in comparison to its disadvantages , they may tell you stories of their relatives who failed to pay their bills on time and suffered severe consequences like degraded credit rating, sometimes even confiscation of their assets, arrest and further extra charges for hiring a lawyer etc .
Am I telling you your parents are lying , Of-course not!!.
So Am I telling you not to use credit card ,,,Well yes, If only you don't have control on your expenditure , you are the type of person that feel proud ,taking loans to buy Iphones.. then don't use credit card , it's not a thing for you. But for everybody else it's a blessing . But before I explain you how first you need to know how does bank profit from credit card.
When I was a kid and I used to ask my parents how they are getting groceries , dinner at restaurants without paying money and just sliding a card through a machine.. They used to tell me by sliding that card someone else pays the bills and you then pay him later .. I always used to wonder why would somebody do that .. What will he get .. so here's the list of things he would get :-
In the next blog will learn about