Hi again. Welcome or welcome back my dear bloggers to my daily blogs. I hope you all are in good health and are having a blast of a day. ๐
So this blog is a bit about a spiritual energy known as the Kundalini. In Hinduism, this energy is a form of divine energy which is located at the spine's base. When this energy arises or awakens, it can cause many things.
Kundalini is considered to be a major source if spiritual internal energy. It exosts in every one of us, but only some of us might experience it awakening. When this energy is raised, the kundalini flows through the 7 chakras, which instantly leads to spiritual enlightenment. Kundalini can be aroused through various methods. This energy is considered to be feminine, Kundalini Shakti, which is only able to rush when someone's energy (Chalra) are completely pure and clear.
The Chakra's are like gates which opens the dimensions of different perceptions.
What is the reason that awakens the Kunadlini??
In honesty, this question has no particular answers. This can actually happen after many years of spiritual practices, yoga, meditation, etc. But also it can happen anytime anywhere, even with no training. It is thought that there are several triggers of an awakening, which may include:
Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is the middle point where your physical body and your soul and the universe. This lets you embrace your gratitude towards your life. It is the very center of self awareness and enlightenment. Awakening or balancing the crown chakra brings emotions of happiness, joy and peace about life.
Stress, negativity or conflict everything can be the cause of the blockages in your inner chakra system. When you are detached from your own crown chakra, it may lead you to disconnect from the world around you. It may canse lack of motivation and inspiration.
So that was all for this blog. I hope you liked it
Thank you for reading this farโฆ