This blog will all be about a human quality that almost everyone craves for. And that would be smartness.
So smartness is actually the ability to comprehend, to understand and profit from previous experience. Well, most of the people think that being smart means to excel in school or college. But not for everyone as there are also other types of smartness that are even more necessary to have including, mental, emotional, etc. Smartness is also known as intelligence, it means how manifested you are in being quick and witty at times when needed the most.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
~Albert Einstein.
Always keep challenging yourself to your fullest potential to keep your own self one step ahead of your own self, it sounds confusing i know, but it only means to keep leveling up. Now there are many ways to be smarter than you already are. You can always be smarter no matter how smart you already are.
So here are some habits to improve yourself:
Focus only and only on the thing that matters the most to you. If anything does not help you be happier or wealthier, that is an absolute distraction.
Learning something new, to explore the unknown and doing the thing that scares you to take a giant leap forward to new mental heights. The today you should always be better than the yesterday you.
Reading informations that are outside your scope, thinking outside the box and desired fields can help you gain a whole new perspective that would get you in line with your desired path.
Sometimes things can be all messed up in your mind. And that would make you really nervous and anxious that could disturb your actions. Gaining mental clarity is a must to determine what you are doing is the right thing and what your next move should be. So sort out your thoughts and label them as per their importance.
One thing should be really important to ask the questions for every fact there is. Curiosity often questions conventional wisdoms and existing mindsets. Leaving your curiosity unfed is avoiding challenges and growth.
So that was all for this blog. I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you for reading this far…