Hello enthusiastic readers and excellent bloggers , hope you and your family are pretty good. This blog is a productive, useful blog giving tips to
improvise your memory power.
As per the above saying ,"A good life is indeed a collection of happy memories ".So its essential that we always sustain happy memories in our mind for a happy and healthy life. But how to have a good memory power ? Being mortal beings we may forget few important things. So I am going to share few tips to kindle your memory power .
As a popular saying goes , "Early to bed ,early to rise makes a man wise ".
Waking up early in the morning makes your mind and body active and fresh.
Performing yoga /meditation/aerobic exercises in the early morning is also a good method to improvise your memory. According to a recent study, just a few minutes of light exercise can give your brain an immediate push in the right direction, helping to improve memory, among other things.
The body needs fuel to function properly and this holds true for the brain, as well. Include sprouts, veggies, salads in your diet .Its a well known fact that consuming lady's finger is good for logical reasoning .As per a research, eating chocolate before Mathematics exam helps to reduce stress and activates the brain quickly. Avoid consuming more junk food because it might make your brain dull or sedentary.
A good sleep (around 8 hours )ensures complete rest of the body and mind .It kindles and activates the brain quickly thereby your memory power is also improved. Avoid short naps during day times unless you feel exhausted .Inconsistent sleep ,especially during night times may affect the functioning of your brain to a large extent.
Always be in an optimistic mood and try to avoid stress and depression. This is because when you are more stressed and depressed to a larger extent, there is a much feasibility that you would forget many things. So always take failures/mishaps in a lighter vein .Try to work on the setbacks rather than converting it into stress.
Completing a daily crossword, word scramble or sudoku puzzle can also have positive effects on your brain power.
Acronyms, can help us remember short lists. For example, if it's time to go to the grocery store, but you only need a few items, you might commit the word COFFEE to memory. When you get to the store, you'll remember that you need C-coffee, O-orange juice, F-fish sticks, F-fruit, E-eggs, and E-echinacea.
Brain games, mind mapping, flash cards, usage of visual aids can boost your memory power .
Hope these tips were useful for you