It is truly exciting to study the universal truths.
These truths remain the same for all and that's their beauty.
And the best part is we can apply these principles into our lives and get the desired results.
One such principle is law of attraction, which we are going to discuss in today's blog.
Let's start!
Whatever we focus through the lens of our minds become a part of our life.
In simpler words, our habitual behaviours and thought patterns generate the quality of our lives.
We don't attract what we want. We attract what we are inside.
In fact, this universal law is working all day and all night.
Because we are always thinking something.
The moment we recognise this, we understand the root cause of our miseries and dissatisfactions in life.
The outer miseries represent the inner destructive thoughts and beliefs.
So, if we want this law to work for us, we need to understand how it works.
And as I have explained its working based on my eexperience, I am sure I know what you need to do next.
Okay! Okay! That means I have to think better and act better. But I find it difficult to do so.
I know some of you will feel this way.
I felt the same too.
But now what I will tell you will give you an amazing way to stop negativity.
Whatever we focus on expands.
But we focus on something because we find it important.
That guy told me an idiot. How dare he?
You may focus on this thought for long because you find it important to think.
But once you understand what's actually important and what's not, you can shift the focus quite easily.
For example : Whatever I truly want from within is important and whatever that I don't want is unimportant.
If you think like this, you can let go of unwanted thought patterns.
And bring your focus back to your joyful expression.
Just try this out next time you face a situation like this.
Whenever you find yourself to be disturbed by a thought inside, genuinely ask yourself : " Is this thought really important in my life? "
The sincerity of the question will reveal the answer.
This way, with habit, you will learn the art of letting go and focus.
And one more thing, law of attraction isn't just about changing your beliefs but resisting your joyful actions and expecting a big change.
It's a process from thought creation to joy expression fully, freely and fearlessly.
Thank You! ♥️