The pandemonium changes its tune and forcibly plays the apparent soulful music which the society acknowledges. You camouflage, and humdrum enrobes you. You are driven as if by a clockwork.
You see his face. Before you could materialize the face, it vanished.
Tears stream down your eyes.
Your heart starts pounding.
Early morning musings create a pandemonium in your heart.
Although it lasts only for a fleeting moment, it sets the loop in motion.
You try to fly back and settle yourself on those beautiful vibrant flowers. Indulge and enrobe yourself in his nectar. Talk about the numerous promises you have pledged together. Cherish the euphoric moments you have had together. You blend together again to form those tendertangy tangerines.
Suddenly, the monotonous humdrum of life puts a period on the pandemonium inside your heart. And then, you are reminded of the reality you live in.
It is said “Time heals everything”. How?
You still have the urge to go beyond the surface level, penetrate his mind and find out the unconscious mutation of his heart and mind, only to be spooned with a jeopardizing hoax. Still you find it enticing and you try to fit in the crammed heart of his. That’s when your subconscious mind grips you firmly and reminds you the stark reality you live in and prevents the catastrophe.
But your unconscious mind always wants to be shaped in the form of that beautiful catastrophe.
You come back to the surface level. You greet the reality apathetically.
All of us have a Sisyphus hidden inside ourselves. Sisyphus is a Greek figure who was punished for his deceitfulness. He was asked to roll an immense boulder up a hill only for it to roll down every time it reached the top. The action kept repeating itself till eternity. The absurdity of human life is just like the situation of Sisyphus. You persistently struggle against the essential absurdity of life and try finding out the meaning of life. We are keen to substantiate that our life has profound gravity, however, we end up in despair.
You’re the Sisyphus who has to sing the same monotonous tune forever. Although it isn’t about the same monotonous tune, it’s about how much of satisfaction you derive from the tune. It is how much you let the tune suffuse in you.
You try to grip your present firmly, but you are reminded of those beautiful vibrant flowers again.
You smile in reminiscence while your heart soaks in nostalgia.