Heart of story:
The hero of the movie belongs to the middle class due to horse gambling and bad habit lost savings, respect, got more debts over a year, He was separated from her wife and daughter. The hero was staying with his mom and used to steal her money for horse gambling.
At the age of 80 years, his mom used to work hard to pay rent and so on. As usual, a hero steals money and bet on a horse race that surprisingly won half-million, unfortunately, one girl has roped that money very easily. Hero felt abnormal after losing his money. Waiting for train arrival in the metro station.
Stranger at Rail Station.
The man who came close to the hero spoke about the game with price money if wins can take that money or else need to get a slap until he wins. Hero lost his attention got more slap on the cheek then finally he won and got the money the man gave him another opportunity to play a big game from there onwards extraordinary screenplay and artworks has been started. Must watch this series it gives scarier entertainer to all.
The game was developed to attract the middle class and who needs money in urgent bases to solve their issue. It develops by a set of rules which is in acceptable manner.
What is Squid Game?
The woman in the above image was sensed this is not a normal game this is equal to suicide to play. The game was designed as do or die a lot of interesting scenes were scripted.
Here are my points which tell why do you need to watch it?
Click here to watch a trailer:
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