Published Jun 5, 2021
2 mins read
405 words
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On A Evening Day... School Ends

Published Jun 5, 2021
2 mins read
405 words

Hey today I would like to share something really very very very n just very deep, emotional , and really too much heart touching.

So fortunately you all know what I am going to talk about just after reading the topic of my blog.

Yea man it's about our school life. Not only mine but also yours

 Ot only yours but of each n every person 

 Of Each n every student ….

Every person had went to school for their studies and for their bright and very highlighted future. And each and everyone of you really enjoy your school life and schedule … specially you all enjoy in the last faret and last school year …most emotional year of your school journey and life but do you know what???

We the students of batch 2020-2021 have the worst session. We are the most n most n just most unlucky batch of the last century .

We all know about this worst panademic which have highly effected us but do you know what.. this covid has left each n every one with lot of pain m some people people may have less pain and some have greater…

Someost their dear ones and some lost their dear dreams

And we students lost our dear dreams which were our last farewell year with lot of hopes and was full was happiness…

You know what?? We we're in the same class for more than 15 months and we were studying all alone at home with 

No classes

No enjoyment

No lunch

No meeting with friends

No fun

N at last no exams…

Seriously we ended having no exams … then why did we studied this much in this worst situation leaving our joyfully memory?? What was our fault?? Why did we suffer this

Oh darn it mann!!! You still reading 😂 .. i thought you left leaving it bored but thanks a lot for reading and feeling my emotions .I know by reading this you guys also started imagining about your school days and your childhood…

Schools left the child in our self alone and scared bcoz of this society and world. We need to grow that child again and again …

We can loose our child hood…

For our dreams we leave our parents friends family..we think it will be worth one day .

But let me clear you about this 

Leaving your family and friends are never going to be worth..


sumitsing 6/5/21, 11:55 AM
Very nice blog 👏well written 👏👏 I Am A " LEVEL 1, SEEKER" . lets join hands🤝
tkratika 6/5/21, 7:18 PM
devika.sivaraman 6/6/21, 7:05 AM
this pandemic is a tough time through which everyone is going.
devika.sivaraman 6/6/21, 7:05 AM
hope to get your support while i support you
chhavi.duah 7/8/21, 7:18 AM
Like literally we have faced this we know how it feels to be it
maria 9/25/22, 11:58 AM
well read mine too...follow for follow back

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