Middle class contributes to the majority of world's population. Since India is the second largest populated country, we hold the majority of middle class in the world.
Since the pandemic hit the world, the government has taken strict measures to combat the spread of the virus in India, one such is nationwide strict lockdown. I genuinely support this step of the government but it has adversely hit the economy and middle-class.
Middle class is that sector of the society which constantly work hard for basic necessities. People belonging to the middle class either work in a job or set up small business or shop. Those who are in job, are still able to support their families but those who own small business or shop are struggling for survival. And not to forget, in most of the cases they set up their shops with the help of bank loan.
But today this sector is struggling for survival. Lockdown has forced them to shut their shops, which was their only means of livelihood. In fact in few homes, daily income arranged the food. Middle-class neither enjoy the perks of free grains like the poors, nor it has resources to arrange things like the rich. The middle class people still have to pay the electricity and water bills, the bank EMIs and the school or college fee of their children, during this lockdown, when their source of income is shut down. No government policy talks about the middle class in our country when this sector contributes and funds these policies and schemes by paying taxes.
Looking at my surroundings and talking to the local shopkeepers, I can comment on one thing and i.e. the middle class is ready to die by corona but not empty stomach.
I have one question for the government here. Why is it partial to the ration shops and vegetable vendors? No scientist has proved that virus won't affect the rations and vegetable shops.
I know these are necessary items but if these shops can operate for certain hours in a day, so can other shops, gyms and salons, with covid protocol. Or a number system can be developed which would support shops to operate on alternate days.
Else the government must implement some policy which can get them rid-off their EMIs for these months, the electricity and water bills and could provide them free food.