Published Jun 7, 2021
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The Advocacy Of Women's Rights On The Grounds Of Political, Social And Economic Equality To Men.

Published Jun 7, 2021
2 mins read
430 words

Feminism : 


The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political,

social, and economic equality to men.

Equality :


The situation in which everyone has the same rights and advantages.

Well the above are the meanings of the two words. I hope now people don't get confuse between the two. But yeah! again I can't change every individuals' opinion. They do have the right to “think”. 

The belief that a woman's place is more than just the kitchen, that she is surely capable of doing great things in  and out of the kitchen as any other man can, is gaining huge popularity and practice too. And yes there are many examples which clearly depicts the success rate of women is increasing. But one woman amongst a lot of men and we should celebrate? This is tough, but we will get through it. 

Since we have somewhat overcome the worst of it, are we using it for good? Or are we utilizing it for worse?

Its very much difficult to say that. There are many examples of women who struggled for uplifting the status of women and still we find many feminist working around the world for raising the status of women. But these so called “Fake Feminists” are misinterpreting feminism for their own interest. How can an actress label herself to be a feminist when they project woman as an  object on silver screen? These are the movies where these so called feminists display the commodification of women by all means. Fake feminism indeed!!! It has nothing to do with real issues of women which is under-going around the world.

Feminism is all about equality and equal freedom. And even it does not include “HATING MEN”. Feminists don't think that all men are evil. Most feminists actively disagree with the belief that women are better than men and think that feminists who are anti-men are going against the fundamental principles of feminism, which says we are all deserving and worthy human beings - women, men, transgender and should be treated as such. This is not how this works. Feminist male-bashing has come to sound very weird. Feminism, its loudest proponents vow, is about fighting for equality. The man-hating label is a total misunderstanding. 



dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men.

The correct word choice for a male-hater is a Misandrist . But there is a difference between “feminists” and “misandrists" . Feminist doesn't mean “person who hate men”

 So yeah, get a life and ask yourselves “ARE YOU A PSEUDO FEMINIST?”.

abhinav.rakesh 6/7/21, 5:38 PM
Just keep rolling thoughts in your mind and show them to the world through letters....
shelina.anand 6/7/21, 6:06 PM
Very much needed topic.. Very accurate and correctly said.! Beautifully bought up the concept of being a MALE HATER and BEİNG A FEMINIST. Congratulations to you on your first Blog. 💜
fatema.shakir 6/7/21, 6:16 PM
Wonderfully described!
sunnanda.kumari 6/8/21, 6:14 AM
Amazing and enlightening....must be published many more like this...
tkratika 6/10/21, 5:15 AM

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