‘’The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition''.
Thomas Edison
In today's era, fighting with a different type of pandemic & other types of disease health becomes an important issue. so we should always focus in our daily diet.
so in today's topic, we will know about the nutritional benefits of some food.
onion is a basic vegetable found in every household. but did you know about its nutritional benefit?
onion is a rich source of soluble fiber, so is good for people suffering from LDL and diabetes. its rich source of mineral-like potassium, and magnesium, and vitamins like- vit. C and vit. B6.
Rich source of antioxidants called Quercetin, which helps to fight against diseases like cancer & cardiovascular disease.
So, include onion in your diet.
While garlic is known to be good for the heart, it is also a great detox food because of its antiviral, antibacterial & antibiotic properties.
Garlic contains a chemical called allicin that is known to promote the production of white blood cells that helps fight against toxins.
The coolest thirst quencher contains 92% water but it boosts our immune system & fights against cancer. It also contains vit. C & Potassium.
They are the clear winner of their high vit. C content. Guava is also rich in fiber which helps in constipation. where papaya is rich in carotene which is good for eyes.
Brown Rice are one of the healthy food which have many healty benefit. Brown rice contain lignins & ferulic acid which helps fights against cancer.
Brown rice are rich in vitamins & mineral like magnese, niacin, thiamin,salenium, magnesium, which help in growth & development. while thiamin is goog source of heart, muscles & nervous system.
Sweet potato is rich source of beta carotene, anthocyanins, vit. E,C,B6,B5
Fair source of potassium, magnesium,sodium, resistance starch,rapidly digested starch.It can lower the risk of cancer, Boiled sweet potato control the blood suger but not baked or fried one.
Lower the level of LDL cholestrol, Reduce stress and anxiety, heals stomatch ulcer and wounds.
so, never miss your nutritional food and always focus on your healthy diet and avoid junk food .
what do you think about nutritional food please write in a comment.
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