There are a number of things and activities that we are missing in the lockdown. Lets just find out what are they…!!
No going out to movies
We have not gone the PVRs and the cinemas for about a year now. We used to enjoy that popcorn and the big multiplex totally dark while the movie started. That was very thrilling… !! Lots of people would sit together and watch the movie. Now that was a fun. Then munching on those chips and popcorn and other food items and laughing together in the comic scenes was a real fun. The whole hall would shout and give reactions to a performance…That's something which we are missing at home. Watching web series…all alone or just few people together…!!😒😒
No going out to the malls
Now going to the malls for just refreshment was the best thing to do on a weekend. getting together with friends and chatting over the coffee or Chai….that was the fun…!!!Then shopping was also something which we used to enjoy a lot at the weekends specially….Now also we can shop online…But where to wear those dresses?? We are hardly going out…..Before we could go to offices and malls dressed as we used to like…But now…its not possible…!!!😒😒😒😒
No going to friends and relatives places
This is something that we are missing extremely…Some samosas cooked by our aunt or some laddoos made by our Dadis…are missed to a great extent…Now that we cannot go to their place…!!!
No going out to schools
Children are missing their friends in school. They are missing that eating together and studying together charm . Doing online classes without getting to interact with their friends directly, is something that the kids are really missing. They used to have fun time sharing the tiffin and playing with their friends….Now that's a real missing…!!!
No going out for sports
We often used to spend time for some refreshing sport activities like swimming and playing cricket and football. But now no swimming pool is open and no group games are allowed due to the lockdown. That's really something which is taking all sorts of refreshing activities from our life…!!
No travelling
Last but not the least , in my list…(you can also add more, if you have some), we cannot travel . No tourist spot is open now. All are closed and we cannot used any commodities to get out for a long drive even…Because its total lockdown…!!
So these were some activities which I could point out…that we missed in the lockdown. If you have more on this list then please go ahead and share ..